Mad at Facebook. Should I quit?


Recent reports of unethical behavior by Facebook (top 10 reasons can be read here ) has started a movement to deactivate accounts on the site. On a lark, I checked out the deactivation page on my account and found that the site gives you a multiple choice on why you want to quit. Three of them apply to me. 


 1. I don’t find Facebook useful

2. I get too many emails, invitations, and requests from Facebook.

3. I don’t understand how to use Facebook.

Among the other choices were: I have privacy concerns, I don’t feel safe on Facebook, I spend too much time using Facebook.

So I dunno. On the one hand Facebook reportedly betrays its own public (and speaking for myself, is more of a nuisance than a help), but on the other hand not supporting the site would help undermine a tool that , when unblocked, is supposedly useful to collective political action in Iran. Bar sar e doraahi, looking for advice.


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