Please Help!

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to take a minute of your time to ask you the following:

I am a master’s student at the University of Amsterdam and at the moment I am writing my final thesis. My research is on Iranian bloggers from all over the world and how the internet has affected our communication with each other and with the world.

I am looking for bloggers like yourselves, who would be interested in participating by being interviewed by me about their motivations, ideas and thoughts on the blogging world and the internet. There are numbers of ways to conducting the interview and in most cases, I can send the questions through email.

This research means so much to me because on a personal level, I am a young Iranian living in the Diaspora and I understand how hard it is to let our voice be heard to the world and show our thoughts. It has been hard to find bloggers so far and that’s why I hope that some of you have the time to help me finish my thesis.

If you would be interested in participating, please send me an email so that we can discuss the details. All of my respondents will of course remain anonymous. If you have any further questions about my research, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Thank you so much and I hope to be meeting some of you soon.

All my best,

Anna N.

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