Last year, Iranians who oppose the current regime in Iran wisely decided to go to the polls and make their voices heard. When the result did not turn out to be what they thought it would be, they poured into the streets of Tehran to make an even bigger bang. The aftermath of 2009 Iranian presidential election have had many ramifications, none of which have proven to be in Iran’s interests. The green has been the colour of a large variety of the different Iranian opposition groups whose values and principals are completely different and in most cases bitterly oppose one another, and this very fact is the third reason for the failure of the green movement in Iran.
No one would dispute that the green movement has failed to accomplish any thing and after a quick peak it has been getting weaker and less relevant in Iranian politics. But who form the green movement? There are four major groups: monarchists, separatists, Rajavei’s terrorist group, and Rafsanjani and the sons (religious nationalists). Monarchists are after reviving the great Persia and restore its monarch who is real heir of the peacock bed. In order for the king of all kings to actually reign, Iran territorial integrity must remain untouched, otherwise the Persian king can stay home in California and reign with a remote control as he has done for 32 years, no land no king. On the other hand, the separatists group like the one in the province of Khozestan intends to destroy the Persia and its culture. The core value of every separatist ethnic groups in Iran- be Arab balouch or Kurd, is to be NOT PERSIAN. The goal will define the mean has been the policy of the Rajavei terrorist group .Yesterday was father Sadam next day is cosine Reza Pahlavi, and after the presidential election Mousavi becomes ‘brother Mir Housien.’ The MKA terrorist group would unite, work and co-operate with everybody as long as Agah Masoud and one of his many wives can become the leader and the president of Iran, and it does not really matter what will be remained from Iran then. Perhaps, the most interesting group would be Rafsanjani & Co; they want absolute NO CHANGE just going back to their golden era of development and reform when the group and its large affiliated individuals, resident of influential north Tehran, were in their glories. They even want to keep the Valieh Fageih system of governing, but a Valieh that plays into their hands.
Now, let’s look at the other side the government of Ahmadenijad and the people who voted for him (including the writer of this blog). Unlike the opposition, the supporters of the government (those who voted for the president) have so much in common. From Ahmad Khatami- the Imam of Friday prayer- to Rahim Mashaie , from the writer of this blog to the mechanic who fixed the blogger’s car while visiting Iran, they all share many core values. They all consider themselves Iranian-Muslims and believe in a united Iran as it is laid out in today’s world map-words like federalism and independence are unknown to them. They believe in 1979 revolution and its teaching and are greatly disappointed with the corrupted system of governing used by Rafsanjani & Co.-many of Ahmadinejad’s supporters believe the revolution was kidnapped by Rafsanjani& Co. They, the supporters, would like to see an Iran that is economically strong and military powerful. There are big differences among the supports, but in procedures not in core principals and value.
The first reason for the failure of the green movement would simply be the movement having been outnumbered by the supporters; indeed, Ahmadinejad genially won the last June election. However, the conflicting values and principals of the different Iranian opposition groups, which prevent them from being united, would be another major reason for the green movement’s failure. One must not forget hat values are first formed and then base on those values the goal will be defined. Changing a regime is a goal not a value. What is the common value(s) of the green movement in Iran?