Has Shahbal Shabpareh in fact left us?

I just read that Shahbal Shabpareh has left us! I cannot believe it since I don’t see/read/hear it anywhere else.  But if it is true, I am geniuenly sorry to hear that.   And if it is NOT true, what an irresponsbile person is the guy who had posted this “news”

I know MANY people discounted Shahbal’s type of music and some called it “moseeghieh Tehrangelesy” (Music from Tehrangeles) in a condescending manner but on how many occasions did each of us celebrated our happy gatherings, weddings, birthday parties, or any other similar opportunities, exactly by playing his and his type of music?

If this is true, my condolences to his family, friends and fans and if it is not true, I am sorry for this message.

With a heavy heart,


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