Iranian-American group: Ad sends a wrong, dangerous message

Washington (CNN) — Have you seen Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad waving at you as you drive around your city? The Iranian leader — or at least his photograph — zips around the nation’s capital on the side of buses. And he’s also popping up on billboards from Miami to St. Louis. Ahmadinejad seems to be smiling and waving. But the words are deadly serious. “Iran makes a KILLING every day we wait” the ad says. The word “KILLING” is in all caps and dark letters next to a barrel of oil and a pile of American dollars. It takes a closer reading to learn the advertisement supports clean energy legislation pending in Congress and an end to U.S. dependence on oil imports from countries like Iran…. Jamal Abdi, policy director for the National Iranian American Council, is meeting this week with the American Values Network. In a letter, Abdi said the ads are provocative and look like they are advocating war against Iran. “We take issue not with your ultimate goal of combating climate change, but rather with the destructive manner in which your message is being delivered and the unintended consequences it may help produce,” the NIAC letter says. “Therefore, we strongly urge you to acknowledge the consequences of your ad campaign and to take immediate action to remove the ads in question.” >>>

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