It is Not in Iran’s Nature to be Subjugated: Chomsky

May 26,
2010 (Hamsayeh.Net) – International scholar and linguist Noam
Chomsky who last week was denied entry into the occupied West
Bank by Israeli border guards said efforts by the United States
to subjugate Iran would prove to be futile.


Speaking in Beirut, Chomsky said
it is not in Iran’s nature or history to be bossed around like
some other American client states. He said, ‘Iran does not
follow orders. It has a long history of pursuing its own
sovereignty.’ Chomsky delivered his speech on the occasion of
Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon at the turn of this century.


The prominent international
analyst said Israel and the former apartheid regime in South
Africa have too many things in common. According to him the
apartheid regime in South Africa was actually a notch more
humane than Israel today for during the apartheid era, no one
prevented white South Africans from supporting black natives.


‘Israel does not need the
Palestinians. It doesn’t want them. If they wither away like the
leaves of autumn the way that the native Americans did, that is
fine. They go somewhere else that is fine. But, they don’t tak… >>>

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