Vote for Iranian Video Finalist in Democracy Video Challenge

Farbod “Fred” Khoshtinat directed Arash’s “Dasa Bala” and Hichkas’ “Ye Mosht Sarbaz” music videos. Khoshtinat’s newest video, “ATTN: Mr. Democrat,” is competing in the final round of Democracy Video Project. To vote for it: 1.) Sign in to Youtube. 
2.) Go to
 3.) Click on “VOTE” button. 
4.) Search for ATTN: Mr. Democrat, and click on it when it comes up. 
5.) Enjoy the video and click on the green “thumbs up” button.
(You will know your vote was counted because you will see the red thumb turn gray.)
 Vote once a day until midnight of June 15th, when the final judging round closes. Tell your friends. 

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