Sara Palin & Britney Spears discuss Israeli attack! :-)

 News: British foreign secretary, William Hague and his french counterpart Bernard Kouchner have called on an “international” inquiry to resolve the dispute over Israel’s raid on Gaza aid ships.

   Britney Spears: Hum! How come I searched US media up and down and never saw this news?!
   Sara palin:I guess it was not that important.
   Britteny: But wait a minute these two countries both are permanent members of UN
                security council!
   S. Palin: Oh, well, may be US media, NYTIMES and WSJ and WASHPOST missed it!
   Brittney:   Really?! I think Russian Putin has demanded the same thing yesterday not to mention UN secretaral general. Not sure why only Israel is against it?! I am really puzzled by this one? 😉
    S. Palin:  Some conspiracy theorists believe that US media is pretty much under the spell of Zionists! Aaaahh…same old conspiracy theories!! If that was true how come Helen Thomas could critic Israeli attack so boldly in WH press meeting?!
    Britteney: Hum…! I think you got a point sara. You are sooo smart! Where is Helen Thomas Nowadays?
    S. Palin: know. She, she (WAS!) retired the other day!!

    I am sure this speculative conversation could have happened in real life!

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