On January 16, 1979 the Shah and the Shahbanou leave Iran as Nationalist Shapour Bakhtiar in named to form a new government in a bid to save the country from Religious Fundamentalism.
Shah’s Last Ride: Interview at Airport as Bakhtiar and government officials bid farewell to the King and Queen:
Shah’s in his last public Speach acknowledges “Voice of the Revolution” but refuses to abdicate and promises to Respect the Constitution once Calm and Order is Restored:
Pro Bakhtiar Demonstrations in Support of the 1906 Constitution:
Bakhtiar’s Last Public Interview before Khomeiny’s Arrival to Iran:
Khomeiny arrives in Iran with Air France Airplane and gives Infamous “Hichi” comment:
Shah’s Last Will read by Shahbanou Farah:
Bakhtiar’s last Public Speach ( Hamburg Germany, 1989)in favor of REGIME CHANGE based on the RESTORATION of the 1906 Constitution:
Ali Vakili Rad Bakhtiar’s Assassin is Set Free by France:
Fareydoun Farrokhzad – Poet, entertainer and Activist explains why he supports the Restoration of the Monarchy. He was to be assassinated in the early 1990’s by the IRI death Squads in Germany:
Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi’s message on the Anniversary of the 1906 Constitutional Revolution in Iran:
Related Pictory:
pictory: Shahpour Bakhtiar plays Chess with History (January 1979)
FOR KING AND COUNTRY: Fereydoun Farrokhzad Last Concert Before Assassination (1992)
ROYAL MARTYR: Prince Shahriar Shafiq Remembered
PROUD TO BE IRANIAN AND A MONARCHIST: Fereydoun Farrokhzad Up Close and Personal (Mid 1980’s)
Related Constitutionalist Blogs:
LESSONS IN DEMOCRACY: Shapour Bakhtiar Interview with LA TV (1987)
BEHOLD THE PALE HORSE: French Socialists Pay Tribute to Shapour Bakhtiar
FRENCH NEWS COMPILATION: On Bakhtiar’s Assassin’s Liberation ( France 24/Euronews)
PARIS GATHERING: Shapour Bakhtiar and Soroush Katibeh memory honored in Paris (FRANCE)
Restoration Blogs:
RESTORATION: Britain’s ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688 and the ‘Bill of Rights’
RESTORATION: Elected Monarchs of Malaysia
RESTORATION: The British Royal Family at Work (PBS : 7 Parts)
RESTORATION: Prince Charles, The Meddling Prince (5 Parts)
RESTORATION: Belgium King Baudouin takes Oath Amidst Republican Animosity (31st July ,1950)
RESTORATION: Greek Constitutional Monarchy Toppled by Military Coup (April 21st, 1967)
RESTORATION: King Simeon II of Bulgaria, The Republican Prince
Royal History Forums:
HISTORY FORUM: How Truly Democratic is The British Monarchy ?
HISTORY FORUM:The Monarchy with David Starkey (Cambridge University)