Iran claims to have knowledge that might be very helpful in stopping the BP Oil Gusher in the Gulf. Again the Iranians have offered to help.
Obviously, the acceptance of this help could open up a new chapter in American/Iranian relations. But the US is too busy preparing for war with Iran to worry about new chapters in relations.
The Iranians, it seems, are looking past innumerable American and Israeli threats to be of service. They are even looking past American and NATO links to a terrorist organization based in Pakistan that has been attacking their country.
….Head of Press TV’s office in Kabul, Mohammad Ruhi, says US commander General Stanley McChrystal was sacked for acknowledging NATO’s connection with the executed leader of the Pakistan-based Jundallah terrorist group, Abdolmalek Rigi….(source: press tv)
Iran says it has executed ringleader of the Pakistan-based Jundallah terrorist group Abdolmalek Rigi arrested while preparing to launch a new round of attacks on the country…..The Jundallah ringleader was charged with 79 counts of various crimes including armed robbery, bombing operations in public places, armed attacks on the army, police personnel, and ordinary civilians, assassination attempts, disrupting regional stability, kidnapping and murder….The terrorist leader had earlier confessed to having links with NATO officials in Afghanistan and foreign spy agencies like the CIA and Mossad….(source: press tv)