Islamist soccer

Islamist soccer, that is an Islamist’s view of the ongoing soccer games in South Africa is very telling of what the geniuses who have put Iran and Iranians in the current dire situation are made of.

Just before the match between Brazil and Netherland in an interview the Foreign Minister of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic had said the following about the games:

“The 2010 World Cup in South Africa showed there is a new thinking in the world of politics”


“Those countries with key role in creating the new sanctions against Iran, countries like England, America and France, will be out of the competition in the preliminary stage of the World Cup. And some countries which in some ways had a hand in the sanctions did [sic] not advance to the higher stages of the games either.”


BTW, Brazil which teamed up with Islamist Turkey to rescue IRR with an asinine last minute nuke proposal lost to Holland and is now out of the World Cup.

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