Only 3 Options for Iranians

A recent discussion led me to consider that in fact today, given the state of affairs vis-vis freedom and the relative lack of it in Iran, we as Iranians really only have 3 options.

As an Iranian today, we are infamous fence riders, unwilling to pick our position on anything, choosing to remain pridefully irrelevant as a people when faced with life’s difficult decisions. I mean look, here we are talking incessantly about Iran without doing anything about it. I’m as guilty as the next. I don’t even dare unmask myself. I mean, who do I think I am, HODER?

Aside from the obvious Stockholm Syndrome (sympathy for the hostage-taker), we apparently have Reverse Turrets as well. Reverse Turrets is that disease where you can’t seem to say anything about everything.

Although many are talking a lot these days, the simplicity is lacking. Specificity too.

For example, there has been a lot of discussion about the Green Movement, but simply put, in the end, the Green Movement wasn’t really one. What it was (based on accomplishment) was an impulse reaction by the political party supporters of Mousavi, the candidate, who were greatly disappointed in the recent (still? recent?) election result. The Green Movement wasn’t about freedom. Given Moussavi was merely Larry the stooge candidate approved by Khamenei to run against Mo. Certainly, admit it, Moussavi was by no means a Peach.

But, many Iranian activists, academics, YouTube, radio, and TV show hosts mostly encouraged by the Western Media’s mis-interpreted excitement around the Green Movement (probably because they thought the color was the same Green they are used to here) have built it up as this second revolution that sadly failed. Obviously (as it never achieved it) it must be said that the Green Movement failed. It isn’t a process, as is often suggested by “experts” and “pundits” and those whose now reputation rides on the level of the “expertise on Iran”. No amount of wearing green wristbands and appearing solemn and unshaven on CNN or the Daily Show will bring the Green Movement back. I mean this is all obvious now, right? Are we done? Can we move on?

Back to simplicity.

Regardless whether you were fooled by the semblance of change, thought the Green Movement was one, or that you were innocently naive as you marched in San Francisco trying not to get blown by the wind as you carried your 48 inches of banner across the beach hoping to avoid the dog poop, regardless of all that, you should by now be at a pivotal point in your life as an Iranian. Let me know if you’re not, because I and the rest of us who screamed “Don’t Vote!” can wait for you to catch up.

But if you are good and done with it all, and are finally on this side of reason, here is the simple truth and the simple choice you need to weigh in on. It is both hard and easy. Hard because you’re going to have to choose and won’t be able to wriggle around it like you’re used to. And easy because once you choose, the rest of the way is blissfully obvious and you’ll never have to look back again. Unless of course, you pick the wrong or least popular choice.

The simple choice ALL Iranians have to make, or for lack of a better metaphor, the Virtual Referendum we must all weigh in on now, is this one.

Pick One:

1) I am FOR the current system of governance in Iran, and I think it could actually work after another 30 or so years, so I think we should  KEEP IT.

2) I am AGAINST the current system of governance in Iran, and would respectfully and without being executed or shot or maimed or tortured or arrested or beaten, or intimidated in any way shape or form whatsoever would suggest that we GET RID OF IT.

No excuses, no hemming and hawing, no excusable avoiding answering the question, spit it out, pick one and the rest is easy. There is no in-between. And you can’t say, I want this system and I want change.

It’s Barg or Koobideh, there is no Soltani. (my way of making a smart ass reference to a Monarchy)

Of course, choosing will most certainly ruin your vacation plans to Tehran for the summer either way, but your kids didn’t really have fun last year when you went back to visit your Cousins, especially when you got into that big fight about how you should be paying for everything since you live a privileged life in the US and earn Dollars.

“But what about option 3?”, you might be asking.

Option 3 is too radical for Iranians to contemplate at this stage of their evolution, so I am removing it from the choice for now. First get past your 2, then we can talk about Option 3.

But trust me Option 3 is a really good option!

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