Now that part of the long sought for sanctions needed for the overthrow of the Islamist Rapist Republic has been imposed, it is time to advocate for its tightening and more importantly for the missing liberation enabler tool.
Those who are well versed in modern history can easily testify to the fact that there is not a single free country in the world which has achieved that blessed state of being unassisted.
If the sane world is truly concerned about the clear and present danger being posed by the weaponized nuke program of the Islamist Rapists,
If the sane world is concerned about Islamists’ forays into their backyards partnering with the most unsavory of characters with dubious intentions,
If the sane world is committed to never again be witnessing Islamist instigated smoldering towers, subways and buses,
It is imperative to materially assist those local freedom seekers who are putting everything on the line for it where Islamist menace germinates and thrives.
Iran has historically been the gateway through which new ideas have been introduced to the region. Iranians at high cost have demonstrated their love of freedom; it is time to help them help themselves and the free world particularly Iran’s steadfast strategic ally, Israel.–Obama/644281