New Show Name!!


I changed the show name from WeekendMadness to  RobertRyanTV because weekendmadness didnt make any sense!!! I didnt even film in the weekend!!! 

Here is my schedule for these few weeks:

JULY 13TH             Paper Gun that shoots without blowing (annotation at beginning: In a few days I will post a video on how to make the gun)

JULY 13TH             Paper Museum  

JULY 17TH             Fails!!!

JULY 20TH             My Dog, Mocha (i’ll play with Mocha in the yard and explain why we named him Mocha)

JULY 23RD             How To Make A Paper Gun That Shoots Without Blowing
JULY 24TH              How To Make A Paper Flapping Bird (that does flap)
JULY 25TH              How To Make A Paper Butterfly
JULY 26TH              How To Make An Assassins Creed Hidden Blade
JULY 27TH              How To Make A Paper Popper

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