Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is 43 years old. A prisoner in Tabriz, she has been sentenced to death by lapidation (stoning) for the crime of zena mohassaneh. What the fuck is that, do you ask? Well, as far I can figure out it means that she had sex with a married woman! If that is true, then Mahmoud the Motor-Mouth may want to revisit his statement at Columbia University a few years ago as to the absence of homosexuality in the Islamic Republic!
But seriously, folks – I do know if zena is good or bad – I suppose that depends on the cuntext! The word zena itself can mean adultery, fornication and whoremongering. Zena-zadeh is a bastard. Zenakar is an adulterer. Zenakari means fornication, adultery. But zena itself seem to derive from the word zan, woman. Ay-vallah!
If Sakineh was fornicating with a willing party, then let her go. In a nation of 73 million khahar-kos-deh two zenakar of whatever sex managed to find and fondle each other. If she forced herself on the other party – then the legal case is not about zena – it is hatk, rape. And that is not the case here.
Sakineh’s story has attracted some attention abroad. And that is why I got interested in it. I am particularly peeved about the NGO’s and other “international” do-gooders calling for a halt to the death sentence (capital punishment argument) and the stoning (cruelty). Both practices are being derided as medieval! That is where I must stop and point out to the opponents of Sakineh’s sentence that her punishment is the same as a woman adulterer or fornicator or lesbian would have suffered in the medieval times (Middle Ages) in the Christian lands. Judge not the rites of the Islamic Republic, whose calendar is still in the 1300s of the glorious solar Islamic concept of time, by the Christian calendar that is some 600 years more advanced. Six hundred years from now maybe the entire Iranian nation would be made up of amazons and zenakars who would have found very little use for the men that ruled and abused them.
It is amazing to me that a country that is pretending to master the nuclear fuel cycle cannot get over stuff that has to do genitals. By their cruel treatment of Sakineh and others, the Islamic Republic is showing once again that it is more tokhmi (seedy) than hastehi (nuclear).