Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage

Minimum wage
Minimum wage
You freaking bitch!

I’m ganna make minimum wage!
At my age!
I’m ganna make minimum wage!
There it is,
on front-page
California has no more image
What an outrage!
Put him in a cage
Up his ass with a sausage

Minimum wage
This is really garbage
We’re not slaves, we’re not in bondage

What’re we supposed to eat?
Rummage in sewage!

Minimum wage
Who pays for the kids’ college?
How are we supposed to manage?
With minimum wage!

I wanna live in America
Not in a village

Minimum wage

Have some courage
Let’s send him a message
Take him backstage
Kick him like a dirty baggage
Do him some damage
Cause his weewee major shrinkage
Ruin his marriage

He understands the language


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