In a recent blog of mine one of the posters with whom I’ve been exchanging jabs for sometimes has left a comment which has occupied my mind with a question.
First here is the comment:
“by MOOSIRvaPIAZ on Tue Jul 27, 2010 06:23 PM PDT
Fred like his masters in israel playing the victim card. once again you show your true colors Fred. You dont care about Iranians. In fact, I dont think you have Iranian blood in you at all. “
It so happens in the same blog another poster, LoverOfLiberty, in response to a nosy poster’s question in part had said:
“No, I am not an Iranian. I am a US citizen with family roots dating back to the American Revolution, and with an English and Polish ancestry.
With this being said, however, I’ve followed the history of Iran since I was very young. And, I’ve had several Iranian-American friends through the years who have told me about their family histories in Iran. “
My question, does having “Iranian blood “is a perquisite for caring for Iran and Iranians?
If it does, then all those Islamist Rapists and their supporters like mien Führer who is overtly concerned with bloodlines have a lot of explaining to do.
BTW, science of DNA has a lot to say about this pure blood thing.