China opposes new EU sanctions on Iran

BEIJING July 30 (Reuters) – China said on Friday that it
did not approve of tougher new sanctions imposed by the
European Union on Iran, and welcomed Tehran’s offer to return
to negotiations on a nuclear fuel swap without conditions.

EU foreign ministers agreed tougher sanctions on Iran on
Monday, including action to block oil and gas investment.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said that China still
hoped to solve the thorny issues surrounding Iran’s nuclear
ambitions through negotiations.

“China does not approve of the European Union’s unilateral
sanctions on Iran,” Jiang said in a statement posted on the
ministry’s website.

“We hope that all relevant parties can support a diplomatic
solution and appropriately resolve the Iran nuclear issue
through dialogue and negotiations.”

China also denounced the United States earlier this month
for imposing its own sanctions on Iran, saying Washington
should not unilaterally take such steps outside of U.N.

Jiang said in her statement that she welcomed a new… >>>

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