To Senator John Kerry

8, 2, 2010


To Senator John Kerry,

In your recent interview on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” show, you urged President Barack Obama to resume his efforts to start a dialogue with Iran and getting advice about the way forward in Afghanistan.

Senator, in future do not use word Iran or Iranians as a substitute for Islamic government in Iran, the IRI. IRI is a criminal terrorist regime, which is not considered as a legitimate government by the people of Iran. IRI has basically usurped the country Iran (with the support of Western Powers and couple of millions of its own paid theocratic mercenaries) and has taken its people as hostage. The Iranians on the other hand are people with 3000 years of great history and culture called Persians who introduced to the world the principles of human rights offered by their predecessor King Cyrus the Great, whose emblem has been erected at the entrance of the United Nation.

Senator, you are a congressman of the most democratic country in the world, how can you negotiate with a regime that has been trampling all the basics of human rights in the country and suppressing every democratic challenges among its people using all the murdering equipment in its access and the paid mercenary ruffians and the professional butchers in its service.

A regime, which ensures it survival through coercive power and bloodshed and imposing fear and terror among public to the point that many Iranian citizens had to fly out of the country to get rid of the oppression only to go vagrant across the globe. The massive escape of the people didn’t stop the criminal IRI, the brutal regime ordered chain murdering of hundreds of its oppositions all over the world.

Such negotiation will betray the Neda’s blood and of tens of thousands other of Iranian brave young men and women who stood and shielded their chest against the Islamic regime’s bullets and fought against political incarceration, torture, rape, and for all their basic freedom and human rights.

Senator, how can you recommend negotiation with and seeking advice from such regime, which the State Department called the “most active” state sponsor of terrorism in the world? You as the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee should have all the criminal records of the IRI terrorist acts in your access.

Have you forgotten the suicidal bombing of U.S. and French military barracks in Beirut in 1983 (299 dead); a string of Paris bombing in September 1986 (12 dead); attacks on the Israeli embassy and a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires in 1992 and 1994 (125 dead); 1996 bombing attack in Dhahran (19 dead); and according to State Department and the CIA, 200 terrorist strikes across the globe during the last 3 decades (more than 1000 dead), in Israel and the Palestinian territories alone, hundreds of people have died in suicide bombings carried out by IRI-supported groups of Hamas and Hezbollah?

Or maybe I have to refresh your memory about the meddling of IRI in the neighboring countries and also about the killing of U.S. soldiers in Iraq and in Afghanistan (60% of all casualties) by the IRI-made IEDs!

What kind of message do you want to convey to the residents of earth by seeking strategic advice from a regime that throws threats to its neighboring country every now and then?

Senator, in the history of United States there were men like Thomas Jefferson who as a political philosopher was a character of the enlightenment who advocated reason as the primary source for legitimacy and authority, a man whose name was used as the eponym of democracy. It is because of him and alike that today America stands as the democracy advocate on earth.

Senator, if opposite to your predecessors you neither believe in the democracy advocacy of America within the international communities, and hence do not support the Iranian people in their struggle toward establishing democracy and secularism in their country, nor care much about the American young heroes in Iraq and Afghanistan whose lives are shattered by the IRI-made IEDs, then I am asking you as the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to at least make recommendation to the congress and U.S. administration to withdraw their support from IRI and let the Iranians themselves deal with the devilish regime of IRI.

On Behalf of Genuine Iranians

Mansur Rastani, PhD


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