Iran Holocaust-denying website angers Israel

JERUSALEM — A new Iranian website that denies and mocks the Holocaust with cartoons showing Jews as hook-nosed worms burrowing holes through a history book provoked outrage in Israel on Thursday.

The site,, features caricatures including a Jew with a hook nose and a black hat emblazoned with a Star of David tracing fake bodies on the ground at a concentration camp. The website design uses Nazi imagery, with the icon for flipping pages marked with a swastika.

“The vulgar and cynical approach of the website, a combination of Holocaust denial and distortion, illustrated with anti-Semitic caricatures, further illustrates Iran’s disregard for reality and truth vis-a-vis the Holocaust, Jews and Israel,” Israel’s Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem said.

It called the site “the latest salvo emanating from Iran that denies the facts of the Holocaust and attempts to influence those who are ignorant of history.”

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