Middle East air smells of war

In the past few days,
several incidents, including an attack by Palestinians on Israel and a
response by the Jewish state, and a rocket strike from Egypt on resort
facilities in Israel and Jordan, have happened.   But the most dangerous of the incidents was the August 3rd exchange of fire between Lebanon and Israel.

incidents did not lead to feared escalation but experts speak about the
lurking ghost of war in the Middle East. The Oriental expert,
Vyacheslav Matuzov sees a connection between the incidents and the
latest statements from Washington. He spoke in an interview for VOR.

“Politicians, the US defense secretary, Robert Gates, CIA Chief, Leon Panetta and many other high and low officials are beating the drum of war  against
Iran. The seemingly unconnected events- incidents in the Middle East
and statements by the shakers and movers in Washington are designed for
the same aim- artificial stoking up of tensions, which resemble war
preparations,” said Matuzov. 

US and the EU can still impose more stringent sanctions on Iran after
their additional tougher anti-Tehran ones,” Matuzov says. “Watchers
believe that it is not only the US which is whipping up tensions in the

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