The burial

All the signs and available evidence point to the demise of the last attempt at resuscitating IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic.

As soon as the purported leaders of the Islamist faction of the “Green Movement” started with openly calling for adherence to their Islamist Constitution, returning to the “golden era of Imam Khomeini” and the old nonsense about Islamist democracy, their movement was DOA.

The Islamists who for the past thirty one years have been raping, maiming, torturing and murdering Iranian men, women and children missed their final chance at salvation and now are to face the Iranian music.

The fed up brave Iranian people are ready to do what it takes to emancipate themselves from their rapist Islamist tyranny in all its formulations including the “reformist” and free the world of the present and clear danger of nuke packing messianic Islamist menace.

It is time before IRR gets the nuke bomb to airtight the sanctions, openly call for the overthrow of IRR and materially help Iranian people to actuate it.

Islamist dogma in Iran is a walking dead ideology; with outside help Iranian people will bury its corpse. 

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