Iran’s loss, America’s gain

When it comes to the brightest minds, Iran’s loss, America’s gain has been the story of Iran ever since the inception of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic.

And who could blame those Iranians who can’t wait to emigrate to U.S. to continue with their education to prosper emotionally, intellectually and financially, in short to be all that they can be.

It is not a boastful chest thumping to claim Iranians have a thing about knowledge, learning it, teaching it and applying it. Just a cursory look at any institution of higher education in America will prove the point.

The sad thing is this brain-power factory is ruled by Islamist Rapists bent on dragging Iran and Iranians back to over millennia old days of savagery and darkness and they are winning.

The latest step in this regards was announced by the Islamist Rapists’ Minister of Science, Research and technology.On the back of severely curbing the teaching of Human Sciences for their lack of Islamist ideology, and after thirty years of perpetual Cultural Revolution now the time has arrived to have the ideal university instructors.

And according to the Mr. Minister that would be the ones who “believe in the absolute rule of the jurisprudent” in other word bunch of Islamist retards with fake university degrees just like the Mr. Minister.

Iran’s loss, America’s gain, that’s the way the cookie crumbles.    





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