We have a clerical rule that talks religion but acts nationalistic and an opposition that talks freedom and democracy but is whoring for foreign interests.
Not counting Peykan, almost every aspect of Iranian technology and science (medical, bio-engineering, nano-tech, military, aviation) has been kick started and developed under this regime. Record number of universities, and schools have been built — a number of them with a global reputation. Thousands and thousnads of kilometers of paved roads have been built. The railroad system is now covering most of Iran. Hundreds of dams are now either producing electricity or taming potential floods that we see in other countries and which also caused great damage in Iran until a few years ago. All this in the guise of an Islamic regime.
And then we have an opposition divided into one or more of these groups:
inpotent, traitor, self-deceiving, US propaganda fed (=naive), outright crackpot, etc, etc.
Their greatest achievement until now is (as Pink Floyd expresses) 13 channels of shit in California and a similar number of web sites and an occasional patting on the back from the Congress and Israel. They also have an unenvied talent of rediculing their country’s achievements and belittling those have stayed behind and run the wheels of the country despite daily hardships.
We should of course not forget their other talent: constant “lengesh kon” with the certain blood shed that follows. That, they have become experts on.