Can you spare a cup of uranium?

Putting the cart before the horse seems to be the story of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic’ “civilian” nuke enrichment program(s).

IRR has always claimed their entire vast, mostly clandestine and illegal nuke program is due to the desire for self-sufficiency. Therefore to provide the needed indigenously produced nuclear fuel for the future power plant they’ve spent billions upon billions of dollars to setup nuclear enrichment facilities.

There is a slight hitch though, for such self-sufficiency scheme to work one has to have vast deposits of locally mined uranium or the dependency on importation stays put. It will also exponentially strengthen the case to suspect the enrichment program is for nefarious purposes.  

Now that the Islamist Rapists have placed Iran and Iranians in the current unenviable position over their illegal and suspect nuke enrichment program comes the following news from their nuke front man:

“Nuclear exploration has now become the country’s focal center of interest. Feasibility studies would be conducted across the country soon. And layers of resources which may have contained uranium have been discovered in the country.

Considerable needs of Uranium can hopefully be met from country’s resources in an eight year span.”

What if all the previous exhaustive studies are correct and no vast uranium deposits are to be found?

It is either the costly cart before the horse scenario or the messianic Islamist Rapists are going for the ultimate weapon; either case is bad news for Iran and Iranians.


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