IRANIAN SOLIDARNOSC: Shahbanou Farah Speaks to Greek Press on Iranians Plight

Shahbanou Farah took the opportunity of her trip to Greece for the royal marriage of Prince Nikolaos to talk about the predicament of Iranian refugees in Greece. The refugees were given assylum a few days later. Her Majesty is a close friend of Queen Sophia of Spain who is also Greek and must have had some influence in convincing the Greek authorities in addressing this humanitarian issue after months of campaigning by various organizations in their favor. (See related )

Human Right Activists Supporting Iranian Refugees in Greece:

Iranian asylum seekers on hunger strike outside UNHCR office in Athens – Greece August 2010:

Greek Related Blogs:

Farah Diba Attends a Royal Wedding in Greece

TITANS MEET: Shahbanou of Iran Greets Ex-King Constantine of Greece (Roudaki-Opera House, 1971)

EMPIRE OF THE MIND: The Greeks – Crucible of Civilization narrated by Liam Neeson (PBS-1999)

RESTORATION: Greek Constitutional Monarchy Toppled by Military Coup (April 21st, 1967)

Related Blogs:

IRANIAN SOLIDARNOSC: Farah Pahlavi Signs Petition (# 40216) for Sakineh Ashtiani


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IRANIAN SOLIDARNOSC: Nazanin Afshin Jam Goodwill Ambassador for Democracy and Human Rights

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IRANIAN SOLIDARNOSC: Yasmine Pahlavi, Nazanin Afshin Jam and Arash Sobhani (July 9th 2009)

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