Have you noticed anytime discussing IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic as a failed dogma, as certain as night follows day, there is always someone(s) showing up to say things like:
1- Although they might have some issues with the ruling Islamists but Iranians remain devoutly religious to the core.
2-The glue which is holding Iranians together is their common religion.
3-The only way out of the current morass is through reforming the current dogma.
4- Secularism is a nonstarter in religious-minded Iran.
There are many other such explanations, but these four should do for the questions I have.
I believe after what IRR has done to Iran and Iranians; it would be much easier to sell ice to Eskimos than given a choice another version of “religious” anything let alone government to Iranians.
Am I way out of ballpark on this?
If not, then why so many former and current IRR people are into “reform”?
If I’m wrong, then again why so many former and current IRR officials are into “reform”?
In other words, if through on the job experience these “reformist” IRR folks have realized the handbook they’ve based their way of ruling on is useless in governing a modern society, what would a paintjob of a new cover do for it’s etched in stone content?
And if it is fine why bother with the new paintjob and cover?
Isn’t all this “reforming” a feeble attempt to keep ruling those who don’t want to be ruled by any version of this dogma?