Shiva in captivity 3

Last time I wrote about 26 year old Shiva Nazar-Ahari was back in August 19th. But like too many others, she has been on my mind 24/7, or to be accurate, most of my waking moments.

True she is not the first Iranian lady that the uber-misogynist IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic has got its mind set to destroy, far from it.

It is also true that she is not the first Iranian who is being persecuted and prosecuted for utterly peaceful activities like looking after ever growing street children and caring about the rights of political prisoners as Shiva does.

Truth be told when it comes to her generation, the one which was born post-IRR, educated by IRR and indoctrinated by relentless IRR propaganda, she is not that remarkable in rejecting IRR and keeping her humanity intact. There are millions upon millions just like her allover Iran.

What has captivated me about Shiva is the combination of her bravery, humanity, outward beauty and inward steely will and determination to do the right thing.

Now news comes that her “trial” on charges “Moharebeh [warring against God], conspiring and gathering to commit a crime, propaganda against the regime and harming public order,” is over and waiting for her “sentence” has begun.

The Islamist Rapists are fighting a raging forest fire with spoonful of water. Whatever more Islamist cruelty they mete out over and above they’ve already inflicted on Shiva, the stronger the flames of fire will become.

Islamist Rapists will do themselves a world of good to set free Shiva, Goudarz and thousands upon thousands of Iranians they are tormenting in their dungeons.

History has shown what goes around will come around; doing the right thing now will help IRR later.       




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