So fucking bad

“So fucking bad” basically means “really bad”, or “badly”.  “Fucking” in this context is an adjective describing how badly someone wants something.  It absolutely has nothing to do with the act of having sex, unless if the person wants to do it so fucking bad.  So for example, if someone said, “I want to be a billionaire so fucking bad”, it means I want to become a billionaire really really bad; and not that the person wants to copulate someone right in front of you, on this electronic sheet of paper, or elsewhere.  There is no need to panic and ask for this page to be vanished from the “page of time”, as one might ask for Israel to be vanished from page of time.

Some twenty years ago, when I was visiting Iran, I became aware of a young man, in his early twenties, who had hanged a large flag of Israel in his room, to the chagrin of his parents.  Now I realize that he had it figured out correctly.  Our lives have been forever inevitably intertwined with that of Israelis.  The wish to vanish Israel from page of time is to vanish liberty in Iran, and that is what the leaders of the fucking Islamic Republic of Iran have been wanting to do to the Iranians ever since they grabbed power, some three decades ago.  They keep picking on me because I say fuck, all the while they have been fucking their opponents in prisons and elsewhere.  And, in regard to the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, they have become the bowl that’s hotter than the soup (کاسه داغتر از آش), to a point that now the Palestinians are telling the fucking IRI to shut the fuck up and leave us alone.

In a statement released yesterday, Nabil Abu Rudeineh,, a spokesman for the Palestinian Authority, said: “He [Ahmadinejad] who does not represent the Iranian people, who forged elections, who suppresses the Iranian people, and stole the authority is not entitled to talk about Palestine, or the President of Palestine.”  So there you have it you fucking supporters of the fucking IRI regime; the Palestinian people don’t want the fucking IRI regime to interfere in their affairs.

But one moment please, I am not done with the subject of vulgarity.  There is a woman in Iran by the name of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani who is waiting stoning.  For those IRI supporters who don‘t know, stoning is a vulgar barbaric act.  It consists of a group of people (more like animals) picking up stones, not too large to kill right away, and not too small to be harmless.  Yes, please take the time to look it up in the Islamic Penal Code, Article 71, 74, 83, 84, 89, 91, 93, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, and 107 of the fucking constitution of the IRI, .  Lost my train of thought.  Oh yes, stoning consist of a group of wild animals throwing stones at a condemned individual, buried partially in the ground, till that parson is dead, or escapes on foot, or by bicycle, in a taxi, bus, train, or with an airplane.  For the supporters of the barbaric IRI regime who have difficulty understanding vulgarity, imagine this, the stones hit the condemned in the head, let’s say their eyes and blast it open, intraocular fluid and blood pouring out, causing the person to go blind, but not dead, so still capable of escaping on foot, or by bicycle, in a taxi, bus, train, or with an airplane, while their eyes are bulged out.  But if they don’t escape then the next stone hits them in the head, causing the skull to fracture, with a sound that is similar to dropping a watermelon on the pavement, blood and cerebrospinal fluid oozing out.  If the condemned has passed out by then, lucky of her, or him, otherwise the stoning continues, till the person is dead, or escapes on foot, or by bicycle, in a taxi, bus, train, or with an airplane, whichever comes first.

So, now that I have briefly describes stoning, please stop me from talking about amputation, as a source of punishment, and hanging from cranes, because I haven’t had lunch yet and I don’t want to throw up, and this blog is not War and Peace.  Suffice to say, what’s more vulgar, stoning, amputation, and hanging by cranes, or fucking, where a small amount of semen and vaginal lubricant secretes from the bodies of two people while they have one hell of a time fucking each other.

And about the bravery of a woman who takes a free trip to Iran, to participate in a gathering of Iranian expats, versus the bravery of a woman who stood in trial yesterday for trying to make a dent in the ruthless IRI regime.  Shiva Nazar Ahari went on trial Saturday on the charges of moharebeh (enmity against God), conspiring and gathering to commit a crime, propaganda against the regime and harming the public.  She is twenty-six years old, didn’t get a free ticket to be a stooge, and she is thin, because she doesn’t eat free kebabs.  What’s the difference between the bravery of one versus the other?  I wish some people had the fucking balls to know the difference.  Well, for me, I don’t want my ass to be violated with a soda bottle, a baton, or Allah forbid, with someone’s dick.  I like my ass exactly the way it is, where it is.

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