Can the religions bring love and peace between people and nations? Should we wait for a loving prophet who brings only Love and Unity among the people. I saw a lot of unjust in the name of religion or if you believe the people who show themselves as they are very religious, they are murders or thieves. So is religion failed to make good people or not? You are cheated by the people who show that they believe in God and Love more than ;the people who are not showing that they are religious or not? It is a lot of good words and I wish one time all these words come to action. Even Mr. Ahmadi Nejad said nice words in his speech in Holland or Nederland. He said also we should have Love and Unity, brotherhood and tolerance, Freedom and Respect with each other?
I tried to be nice to Moslems, I have been misused and persecuted by them as a Bahai ,and I trusted the Bahais, they did the same to me as they counted me a Moslem? You see between nice words and good action is a huge gab. A lot of cruel actions is acted in the world by the name of different religions. Should we think that religion will save humanity and will bring peace and love among the people? We see that the people who are showing that they are religious people, they are more cruel than other people. Do you remember that even the family of Mohammad ,his children of his daughter have been killed by the Moslems? I think the problem in our countries of Middle East is that we have no support. If you do good thinks and you have been persecuted because of that, there is not people and on law to support you. The Judge system is useless and indifferent, the people are the same, they are indifferent and useless, as Dr. Rasekh said the people are more and less individual and think about their own benefits and if their benefit is fine; they do not care about the society. That has happened to me, I helped one of my best friend who said he will die for me and he can or will not see my problems. I helped him, because he was in a very hard and bad situation. His children were hunger, his wife died and he lost his business and his house need badly to be repaired. He was very nice in the time I gave him help, but later he was my enemy and tried to destroy me. I went to the ministry of Judge. They were all indifferent and useless and the matter took seven years until they gave me right. In these seven years he destroyed my life. My mother was Bahai and he misused her religion to push me down and had a good excuse to damage me. My Bahai family was very nice to me, but they wanted to have my trust and as I trusted them, they did the same thing to me. If I was cruel or indifferent I could stay safe. The system is corrupted and the people are indifferent. Any way I have been robbed one time as a Bahai by my Moslem friend and one time by Bahai family as a Moslem.
Sorrowfully the Bahai administration works also like the ministry of Just. May be there is one way to be save, just be cruel or indifferent. Even Khomeini told nice words and he wanted to give us Freedom and spiritual and material welfare? I hope the people will listen and act and not just nice words? Sorrowfully now we have more and less two types of people, cruel or indifferent. And that is what the world system wants. But I think we should not be indifferent, because the system wants, and we should try to teach the people be just and be against the unjust. Push them to be not indifferent and be just. And try to punish the bad people. Even if we lose a lot, like wealth, family, country and…. Sorrowfully a lot of innocent people will be the victims of the religions. In the past the Christian clergies killed the people whom they did not liked. For example, they through Jan dark alive in the fire.
Now their Moslem friends do the same thing to the Bahais. Some times you are shy as you are human being, how can you kill innocent people and young people because they born in a different family with a different religions and how do you as Moslem clergy expect they should be Moslem? With Love to ten angels of Shiraz who have been killed cruelly.To all these ten angels, who are killed by the ignorant people? For the God that they believe in Him, and that is the same God that Moslems believe. There is no other God and Bahai is based on Shia only in a modern form, but people without studying it are against it. The people act without knowing anything about it. Bahai is a modern form of Islam and is emerged between the clergies of Shia religion and believe Mohammad and all the eleven Imams. It is closer to Shia of twelve imams that for example Shia of Ismaeili who believe just in seven Imams. Bob said he is the twelve Imam. The systems which control the world will this hate between our people. And we should pay the costs of this hate. It is very sad that in 21 century the people especially young people are killed, because they are born in a Bahai family? That is not normal, that government of Iran expects the people who are born in a Bahai family will be Bahai and not Moslem. They cannot be Moslem.
I was born in a family of two religions, Bahai and Moslem. One time I was persecuted as a Bahai by some Moslems and one time persecuted by some Bahai as a Moslem. It is wrong to persecute people, because they are born in a family of Moslem or Bahai. That is very cruel and not human to kill innocent people because they have other religions or other believe. I hope the cruel people are punished by international court system. As a person who have been persecuted by two different religions, I hope that one day love and unity will replace these hates between people with different religions. All religions say good things, but the followers of those religions just do their own business and misuse the love and trust of people to make money or kill people. In the recent history also in the time of Nasereddin Shah over 30,000 Babi are killed by ignorant people. They (the Babis) said the same thing, but a little bit modern, and if you do not like them do not listen to them, go your own way. Why you want to kill other people, because they think differently and just a little bit differently. Who brings all these hates between different religions and different nations or races? Is an Arab worker an enemy of a poor Jew worker? Both of them are misused to be sort of slaves or not? The system wants these hates so they can make a better business and sell their weapons, drug and their companies make huge money. What ever you earn you should give to them. Buy from them. In the past a refrigerator works for fifty sixty years without any problems, now after two years you have to buy a new one. If you are honest and you do not want to take bribes; you will be poor for ever and even your own family sometimes do not respect you.
The system some how force the people to be dishonest and cruel or indifferent. If the people are not united they(the huge business people) can control them much easier. If the people hate each other and fight, so they lose their power and they buy their products also their weapons. Everything is promised and work like a clock. The whole problem is there ,because the people are ignorant and if they get enough education and be smart, so may be a lot of our existing problems will be solved. In the hope that one day peace unity and love will govern the world. And the people go after the action and use their great philosopher words and guidence, like Rummy , Sadi or Hafez, Khayaam or other so they can guide them in the best way. All of them showed us the best way, but the selfish people did not let the people study them. The greedy materialist religious people fight with the great philosopher like Rummy and do not let him to guide the humanity, because they will lose their business as they are ignorant and as soon as the people know they are ignorant, they do not follow them. If the people are clever and educated they do not go after stupid uneducated people, but after smart human scientist people. Like Attar.