Baha’i censorship on Iranian.Com continues

The attorney lurking on this site and representing my interests here has
asked I post a new message in response to Anvars’ here, since the last one
with the same information was censored and deleted, as it appears to
have embarrassed them. This present message is also going to be crossposted to USENET.

Anvar claims that the Haifan Baha’i organization was contemplating
kicking me out. I would like some evidence submitted for this claim by
Anvar since I have demonstrated time and again this claim to be a lie. I
had voluntarily withdrawn my membership from the Haifan Bahai
organization in November 1996 after having been inactive for three years
previously. I did not consider myself a Bahai. I had no desire to
continue being a Baha’i and belonging to a cult. I was initiated into
Sufism in 1993 and pretty much effectively fell inactive after that. As a
result of the
fiasco, where the Baha’i administration cracked down on an academic
email discussion list run by Professor John Walbridge, in November 1996 I
took the next step and sent in my official resignation letter. The
piece quoted by Anvar “Unfortunately, Mr Hazini has for some time been engaged in attacking the integrity of the Cause. The friends are therefore advised to leave him to himself” is from the December 2000 issue of the Australian Baha’i Bulletin which is 4 years after I had already left.
Further proof of this can be gleaned from the following letter
circulated by the Australian Baha’i National Spiritual Assembly to their
community here in Australia at a time while I was still resident in the
United States.


INCORPORATED A.R.B.N. 009 727 128 Incorporated in the A.C.T.)
(Liability of members limited)

Phone: (02) 99113 2771 SECRETARIAT Fax: (02) 9970 7275 Email:

4 November 1997

The Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the Gold Coast

PO Box
833 Southport 4215

Dear Baha’i Friends,


The National Spiritual Assembly of Australia has been informed by the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States that Mr. Nima Hazini occasionally spends time in Australia visiting parents and often associates with the Baha’i youth here. As Mr. Hazini’s parents are 
members of your community we are sharing the following information (which has been provided by the National Assembly of the United States) with your Assembly:

“…It is important for you to know that Mr. Hazini withdrew his Baha’i membership in December 1996 after expressing his strong
dissatisfaction with the Baha’i community and our National Spiritual Assembly. Shortly after his withdrawal was accepted, Mr. Hazini wrote to the National Spiritual Assembly stating that he had not withdrawn from the Baha’i Faith but had withdrawn only from the Baha’i community. He provided a copy of his letter to the Universal House of  Justice…When Mr. Hazini received a copy of the Universal House of Justice’s letter, he chose not to pursue reinstatement of his Baha’i membership. The last information that we had about him was that he had decided to become a follower of Sufism.”

At one stage Mr. Hazini was transferred to the United States as a Baha’i in good standing. However, in light of the information given by the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States we have made the necessary changes in our records about his status. Your Spiritual Assembly is advised to be alert to Mr. Nima Hazini’s activities in your area, when he comes to Australia to visit his parents, especially his association with the Baha’i youth.. Thanking you for your cooperation and with loving Baha’i greetings.

Gul Williams for the Secretariat Reg.

Office: Baha’i National Centre, 173 Mona Vale Road, Ingleside, NSW


The record should adequately demonstrate now as to who the real manipulators are here. 

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