Another year, another International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report declaring it cannot certify IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic’s vast, illegal, mostly subterranean and for years clandestine nuke program is all for peaceful intentions.
But unlike past reports, this year’s has specially alarmed even those “experts” who were always too ready to buy the Islamist Rapists and their nuke lobbyists’ line that there is no cause for concern.
Before he was expelled by IRR, Jon Leyne of BBC was stationed in Iran for some time and is one of the few reporters who has been following the nuke case closely and has always erred on the side of caution, he now reports:
“Until recently Iran was only enriching uranium to around 3.5%. To make a nuclear bomb this would need to be further enriched to around 95% purity. That process would take at least a year, and it would be difficult to do it in secret, unless Iran took the radical step of expelling the UN inspectors. That, the theory goes, would give the world a clear warning sign, time to rally an international coalition to take action.
But Iran has now produced 22kgs of uranium enriched to 20%.
And by producing this higher grade of uranium, Iran is also reducing the time it would take to enrich it to weapons grade, perhaps down to just a matter of months.”
Things are coming down to the wire, to avoid catastrophe the sane world must airtight the sanctions and help Iranian people with needed material to overthrow IRR.
Failing to do that, the next option would be what the former British PM, Tony Blair is talking about. That is if all fail then using military might to stop the Islamist Rapists’ acquisition of nuke will become a necessity.