Where Is God?



After reading, and participating in the debates and discussions that took place at the following blog: The Greatest Sin, by Fariba Amini, I decided to post this English translation of a short poem by our beloved Mowlana (Rumi) to hopefully put things in better perspective –

I sincerely hope that some of the contentious exchanges that took place there, would not spill over into this blog – Tks



Where Is God?


I tried to find Him on the Christian cross,
but He was not there;

I went to the Temple of the Hindus and to the old pagoda,
but I could not find a trace of Him anywhere.

I searched the mountains and the valleys
but neither in the heights nor in the depths
was I able to find Him.

I went to the Kaaba in Mecca,
but He was not there either.

I questioned the scholars and philosophers,
but He was beyond their understanding.

I then looked into my heart
and it was there where He dwelled that I saw him;

He was nowhere else to be found.



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