See full text, here.
From the introduction
During a long life in literature and journalism, it has never fallen to
my lot, until this moment, to write an introduction to a work of this
calibre, and I am extremely sensible of the honour done me by the Dastur
Dr. Dhalla Memorial Institute, in asking me to introduce this
autobiography of our revered Priest of Priests, Dr. Dastur Maneckji N.
I will readily acknowledge, however, my one undoubted qualification for
the task: a life-long association, even companionship, with this beloved
savant, whose ‘way of life’ was an object-lesson to humanity, and whose
day-to-day life-style shaped a living, loving volume of ethical import.
It is most sincerely hoped that those who will have the good fortune to
read this life-story, told in graphic detail and yet with such humility,
by one who had lived that life to the hilt, (and happily losing nothing
of its simplicity of style in the translation), will draw upon an even
greater fund of fortune in patterning their existence on a peerless
spiritual model.
Piroshaw H. Dastur, Meherji Rana