A blog on bahai faith
http://bahaisrael.wordpress.com a blog which establishes the relation of bahai faith with israel. Hope this is going to clear many doubts.
http://bahaisrael.wordpress.com a blog which establishes the relation of bahai faith with israel. Hope this is going to clear many doubts.
This video was made by a young Bahai from Iran in response to the baseless accusations against the Bahais. The Islamic Republic of Iran in
داوود هرمیداس باوند گفت: اظهار نظرهای احمدینژاد درباره ۱۱ سپتامبر با منافع ملی ایران سازگار نبود. به ما ارتباطی ندارد که چه کسی ۱۱ سپتامبر
امروز، رسانه ها خبری از قول آقای محسنی اژه ای، دادستان کل کشور و سخنگوی قوه قضاییه منتشر کردند که مصداق کامل جنگ روانی و
روند افزایش قیمت دلار آمریکا در بازار تهران هنوز ادامه دارد. روز گذشته قیمت هر دلار آمریکا با 15 تومان افزایش دیگر، به نرخ 1115
How fantastic and unbelievable! Finally, an Iranian has made a visual Travel Account, an Epistle about his own country as well as the foreign land
به گزارش خبرنگار جامعه مشرق، پس از اعتراض طلافروشان نسبت به اجرای مالیات بر ارزش افزوده، وزارت اقتصاد و سازمان امور مالیاتی از مسئولان اتحادیه
به گزارش شبکه ایران، یک منبع آگاه در گفتوگو با مشرق با اعلام این خبر، گفت: بنابر این حکم که امروز از سوی شعبه 15
After months of anticipation and almost two years after his arrest and imprisonment, blogger Hossein Derakhshan was sentenced to 19.5 years in prison by Branch
آقای احمدینژاد باید میدانست که «یک نطق تند و عمیقاً اسلامگرایانه و انقلابیمآبانه» (که بهشدت «باب طبع طایفهسالاری مذهبی» و لابد به توصیهی آنها بود)
خامنه ای: در یک پیچ خطرناک تاریخ قرار داریم http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLxaYV4gJ5g
If you thought denying the Holocaust, claiming American government had a hand in the mass murder of 9/11 or the long list of all his
For thirty some odd years the “judiciary” in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, has been handing out ridiculously harsh sentences for “crimes” which in any
Interview of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi on Iranian Diaspora Radio / Television Pejvak based in Toronto, Canada. Intro in Video: LISTEN FULL INTERVIEW BELOW
A Fictional Story about Islamic Republic’s Cyber Attack on Iranian.com in Retaliation for Recent Virus Attacks on its Nuclear Facilities In a Secret Bunker near
A chronicle of King George VI’s (Colin Firth) effort to overcome his nervous stammer with the assistance of speech therapist Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush). Due
Talking About Your Children and The Me Me Me Generation September 2010 JP Melville How do you discuss a distinct lack of power among individuals
Fakhteh Zamani’s Speech in Italian Parliament I would like to thank the UNPO and the Nonviolent Radical Party for organizing such a wonderful and needed
گم میشوم در جمع گمنام بدنبال سایه إی ساده و آشنا خود فراموش میکنم برای حفظ بقا راز حادثه إی زیبا که به اسم من
“When I still hear it, I get a chill to my bone and think that this is not the voice of a mere mortal —
Iranian reformists website Kaleme has published the names and details of 216 political prisoners in Iran’s various prisons who between themselves are sentenced to 1100
Last week was a busy one in New York, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in town for the U.N. General Assembly meeting, kept the media
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s six nights in New York last week featured a secret sit-down with Nation of Islam leader minister Louis Farrakhan, the New
BBC Persian Roundtable with writers sharing their experience during the Iran Iraq War. Watch Here >>>