(This is a basic introduction to Hojatiyeh which i have put together for IC members. If you wish to expand on any point, please feel free to share and discuss as i have access to good sources on the subject. This for now, is to test the water.)
The Hojatiyeh association was founded in 1953 by Sheikh Mahmoud Zakerzadeh Toula’ie (aka Halabi). Halabi was a famous mullah in Mashad during Dr. Mossadeq era. He was defeated in the local election to become a member of parliament and subsequently, he left politic and migrated to Tehran to establish Hojatiyeh.
The association’s primary goal was to confront Bahaism. The association also received support from many shi’ite Ayatollahs like Bourojerdi and Khoie. This association was banned after Ayatollah Khomeini accused them of treason 24 years ago. The main problem between Hojatiyeh and Khomeinism was because Hojatiyeh does not believe in an Islamic Government before the coming of the 12th Imam, Mahdi.
Hojatiyeh association was strongly opposed to the formation of an Islamic government and the participation of clergies in politics. This is mentioned in the founding principles of the association. They reasoned by a hadith ( religious quote ) from Imam Sadeq that a pure and just government can only exist when the 12th imam is present.
They also believed that ” Jihad ” and struggle during the time when the 12th imam is hidden, is useless. They argued during the hidden period, the only thing that a muslim should do is to “wait” for the coming of Mahdi. Any struggle against injustice and imperialism is useless since Quran has clearly stated that muslims should not weaken themselves.
Evidently, it is very clear why such association would be banned by Ayatollah Khomeini.
This association main decision makers were sheikh Halabi, Haj seyyed reza Rasol, Seyed Hassan Sajadi, and Haj mohammad Taghi Tajer. They oversaw the activities of subcommittees responsible for surveillance, foreign policy, conferences and guidance.
After the revolution, the association declared that it will participate in politics in order to help the revolution, but in reality, this never happened. Some of the members of Hojatiyeh displayed interests in finding positions in ministry of intelligence and Education, but they encountered strong opposition from the islamists like Ayatollah Jannati who said;
آیتالله جنتی نیز در خطبههای نمازجمعه مورخ 9/7/1361 در اینباره گفت: «علت اصرار شما دایر بر اینکه در مراکز اطلاعاتی نفوذ کنید و اطلاعاتی جمعآوری نمایید برای چیست؟ به چه مناسبت شما میخواهید در قسمت فرهنگی فعالیت نمایید یا سیاسی؟ دلیل اینکه اطلاعات جمعآوری شده را به مراکز بهرهوری و به ارگانهای انقلابی نمیدهید چیست؟ … مگر سپاه یا ارگانهای مشابه نباید دارای آن اطلاعات باشند تا ضدانقلاب را پیگیری نمایند. چرا با سپاه به صورت کامل همکاری ندارید؟ آیا شما به خودتان اجازه میدهید از امکانات دولتی استفاده کنید و در رابطه با این استفاده مجوز قانونی و شرعی دارید یا نه؟»
As the disagreements grew between Hojatiyeh and others, Ayatollah Khomeini intervened and said;
امامخمینی (ره) در روز سهشنبه 26 تیرماه 1362 در سخنانی فرمودند: «یک دسته دیگر هم که تزشان این است که بگذارید که معصیت زیاد شود تا حضرت صاحب بیاید. حضرت صاحب مگر برای چی میآید؟ حضرت صاحب میآید معصیت را بردارد.
ما معصیت میکنیم که او بیاید؟ این اعوجاجات را بردارید، این دستهبندیها را برای خاطر خدا، اگر مسلمانید، و برای خاطر کشورتان، اگر ملی هستید، این دستهبندیها را بردارید. در این موجی که الآن این ملت را به پیش میبرد، در این موج خودتان را وارد کنید و برخلاف این موج حرکت نکنید که دست و
پایتان خواهد شکست.»
After what Khomeini said, many assumed Khomeini’s refrence was to the Hojatiyeh association. The association immediately declared that it will cease all its activities.