First the part which is indisputable about IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic:
1-It is a theocracy with fascist demeanor which according to many including its late co-founder, Montazeri, “is neither Islamic, nor republic”.
2-Iran and Iranians are owned lock, stock and barrel by its lifetime unelected absolute leader who has lately been openly putting himself on par with the prophet of Islam.
3-All the elements of state from armed forces to the ersatz parliament are subservient to him.
4-For all intents and purposes he is a modern-day pharaoh on steroids.
My questions:
What chance is there for any meaningful change without his removal?
And, shouldn’t figuring out how to overthrow
Iran ’s pharaoh take precedence over ancillary issues like the show president, Islamist “reformers” and alike?