The problem in the world, when the love dies. Part five Our life will not be easy in USA or Europe or other countries. The people do not like guests as we did. They are suspicious about us and they think especially after the September eleven, that we are terrorists; we should live with very low class people in USA or Europe. They made fun about us and about our countries and we cannot even answer them. You see even in the West the daughter of Persian king was perished. Why, because the society do not accept us so easily. We should live with very poor and uneducated people here. The fat and stupid people who are dirty and lazy, they are the victim of their society and they think if they eat a lot and get fat and do not study and work they will be the masters and winners. The fat poor black or white Americans are like simple people who think if they do not be active, they are fine. They steal easily and if you trust them, they misuse this trust easily.
They know the system and they know that the police and system do not harm them as long as they do not steal government; it is fine. The government of USA is very generous of the pocket of other people especially the foreign. These fat and lazy black or white people live on the help of government and they try to live on donation, stealing and collecting money from government agencies. So if they rob other people, it is fine for the useless police. There is no security in USA if you are robbed, that is your problem. In the time that I learned German language, the teacher was speaking so nice about the German and the possibilities in Germany. We went with a lot of interest and love to Germany to study and live there, but the other may be Middle Eastern students they misused their trust so much that now they do not want to see any students from those countries. It is always so, some people misuse and the other people should pay. Some middle eastern student misused their trust and their cultures, now we should pay for their mistake and the German do not like us, because other people did mistake who were from the same area we born. In USA if you trust people and try to be friend with them, if they are fat lazy black or white people, you will be totally misused and robbed.
To survive in those countries which are full of cheaters is not easy, too. Especially our people learn very fast to be like them. They are Cruel or indifferent. I told you about Djalal sister and her husband, in the time he had money they were nice and friendly to him, but as soon as they knew he had no money any more they called him and told him, do not come to us, if you come we will call the police. Djalal sister was from a family of two religions, so she could not marry an normal man in her level. She should marry a man very behind her level and so with the time and may be with the influence of him or the environment, she got like this. And she did not support a brother who gave her everything he had , plus he lost his own family because of the love of his sister, his son always cry on him and told him, why he support his sister who was so cruel and indifferent to him. Djalal said, I did not know she will change so much and second she took my money, why you are upset. The son also learned from his aunt and was cruel and indifferent to the father. They learn very quickly bad things if somebody had no benefit forget him/her and let the person go. Here is another true story of the people who were persecuted in Iran, because they were Bahai or half Bahais. That means their father was Moslem and their mothers were Bahai. They were not accepted totally from each side, but they should suffer from both sides. And the believers of both sides do not accept any thing less than to be killed for the faith or write articles in the newspapers against the other religion, or at least deny that other religion should be the same.
I do not know what will happen to none Middle Eastern Bahais, if they go away from the Bahai society, and later if they want to join again the faith, can they join easily or they should write a letter that they did big mistakes to run away from the Bahai faith. But Bahaullah, the founder of Bahai faith told, if the religion will bring hate and disunity to have no religion is much better. But I do not think that most Bahai consider this words seriously. Now I write for you another example. Generally in each religions and each group, you can see bad and good people. And the Bahais are not also an exception, you can have chance and meet good Bahais and you can have bad luck and meet bad ones. Tahereh, the angel of my life, my mother who gave me everything she had. My champion; salute to all champions, the mothers. Tahereh the champion mother of mine
;I would like to write a real story for you. I was as a visitor in a church and the woman who preached, spoke about a Persian Champion, Ms. Tahereh. She spoke about her one hour and concerning her huge beautiful love. After she was finished; she came to me and said I know you are Iranian and may be one day you will write this true story for your people. I hope the love and generosity that Tahereh showed in this story, will be admired by Iranian boys and girls one day. I said to the lady who spoke as a pastor, I will never forget this real story. It is similar to many Iranian mothers’ love and actions, especially after so called the revolution in Iran many Iranian mothers have to suffer as their children must die in a unnecessary war.
Salute to Tahereh my champion mother who gave me everything she had to make me happy and successful in my life. And Salute to all Iranian and non Iranian Mothers, who are the champion in their lives.
I am Arash and try to say this real story to you concerning my mother.
I have this mother who help me to be alive. May be it will help other sons and daughters to see more the love in their mother’s hearts. The unconditional love of mother or father is something that you cannot have anywhere else. May be you do not do the same mistake I did. I regret now, but it does not help any more. I was only ten years old as my father who was about one and half years sick and lied in bed; and every day he got weaker and weaker, after one of half year fighting with the cancer, he died. I could not believe that my strong sportier father with such huge muscles will die at all and from that today my father my Rostam, was a weak person who will come out from the body of Rostam, my father in the past. He changed from that body that was like a Rostam to a weak sick person who cannot even sit. Now my strong father, who was like a Rostam, was only bones and skin. You could see all his veins through his skin. His skin was like a glass and under it was not real muscles any more; all the muscles have been disappeared. For me my father was like a king, like Rostam or Nadir Shah. But now he was only bones and skins. He was sportier and nobody could take his place.
He could tear the metal like bread and he could bring a strong tree which was dried out of the ground without any help. Nobody in his life could put his back on the ground. Such a huge champion now was just skin and bones. He could barely move his hand or his head in the bed. One and half year the champion lied in the bed and every day the cancer eats him a little bit.
The last night of his life, after the doctor left us; he told us that may be tonight he will die. As the condition of the cancer is very advanced in his body and the route of it is everywhere. But my father later looked at us, he looked at us again as he wanted to speak with us. We both, my mother and I were sitting next to him, very close to his bed. His hand was in my hand, his hand was just bones and a thinly skin was covering it. My father did not like that we cry, in the time that we are with him; we tried to be happy and not upset and we did not cry. We cried always in the other room. As he saw my tears in my eye, he said what is it? Why you are crying? What is the matter?
I do not know that he could not imagine seeing a strong father who is reducing every day like a candle which gets smaller and smaller every minute and soon it will be disappeared is pain full for us. We sat the whole night in his bed and in the middle of night he died and let us alone and we closed his eyes for ever as he could not see any more. We could not sleep in the whole night and waited until the day appears. As the first light of the sun lighted the room, my mother took the telephone and called her family and the family of my father to come and help us. That was the first day I got orphan. But in reality I was orphan about one and half year ago, as my father was badly sick and could not go out of the house for one of half year. The huge frightened sickness was eating my strong father every day. And that night he was eaten completely by the cancer sickness. Next days I tried to change my school ;as I did not want the children know about the death of my father and tease me, and say. Boy without father. So I changed my school to be not known so soon as possible, about the death of my father who was like a king to me. So I could keep the death of my father secret.
This school was far and I had to go over one hour walking to be there. I did not take any black sign with me, too. My mother was a high school teacher for Physic and she went two days later to the school. Two days she took rest to adjust herself. My father was near fourty as he died and my mother was near thirty in the time my father left us. My mother was a very beautiful woman, tall slim and nice. With long hair and big dark green eyes my mother was more like an artist and not a teacher. She was so beautiful that I never forget her face and her beauty. She told many of her friends that she is living just to grow me up, because after her husband died, she has no interest to live any more. She was in a very deep love with my father and one and half year she takes care of him just like a good nurse. Only for me and for my education she will be alive.
That is the only reason she does not want to die. Few years later the revolution in Iran happened and the fruit of this glorious and beautiful revolution for us was that my mother lost her job, as she was Bahai. So she could not work for the government any more. My father had not a good retirement so that we could live with it. He worked may be about fifteen years and the retirement was not enough for two persons. So my mother had to work some where. First my mother went to the private companies, but it was difficult for them to hire my mother, as they know she was fired by government, they were not willing to hire her. Sorrowfully the system told her, that she should write the true in the column of religion and she should not let it empty. So as soon as she wrote that she is a Bahai, they did not hire her.
Even in the private school and language school she had the same problems. So she tried to teach privately in the house of other people, as our apartment was small and we could not have student there to learn with my mother.
Later I heard that she was going to the house of rich people and help them in the household activities. And keep their children under her supervision or even baby-sits them. But that was not an easy work ,too as the husband of the woman or other male in the house always have tried to take more advantage of her and use her for sexual needs. You can imagine my mother who loved her husband so much and had to earn money to support me, had all these problems also. She never told any body that her husband had died, because, she knew they will try to have sexual relationship with her and she does not want any relationship. But you can imagine a woman who had BS in Physic which difficulties can have if she should work as a maid or house teacher. She should flee from the men who wanted her; and the wife as soon as she sees the husband has interest about her, she fired my mother. The wife had right as she sees a woman with a university degree, young and beautiful is in their house, and it is a challenging ,dangerous situation for the husband to control himself. Even it was very difficult for us to rent an apartment, the people do not like to rent the house to a woman without husband. My mother has the ring in her finger and as long as they do not ask about her husband, she would not tell that he was dead.
Any way, we went through and soon, I was going to the ten grade of high school. My mother registered my name in good private high school, so that I can get enough knowledge to pass the entry exam of the university.
I saw that my mother has only one shoe and some old clothes, so I knew that she had spent the whole money for clothes for me, she does not want the students know that I have no father and I am not rich, she tried to give me the best clothes, so I looked not poor, but rich. She spent the whole money for clothes just for me. She worked like a powerful father and a nice mother and she tries to be a good mother and a nice father to me. She rented a nice apartment in the best place of Shimiran for us and she paid the whole costs alone. If my mother could stay as a high school teacher we could live much better and she did not need to work so hard and in different places to pay the bills. But what could we do, this was also the gift of the beautiful wonderful Islamic revolution of Iran for us. It was A nice gift for us.
In the time that my father was sick we did not have like most Iranian a good insurance benefits. So we should sell our Persian carpets and silver or gold to pay the rest of his bill for his sickness, what ever remain was the furniture or materials which could be not sell any more. And as my mother was sent out of the work, for a while we were hunger and/or half hunger for a while, but my powerful and scientist mother soon changed the situation and with her vast knowledge of science and other subjects soon she could earn enough money to pay our bills. And we have a nice life. She had her BS degree with reward and she could easily continue her study to have PhD degree. But the dead of my father and the loans which has been remained after his dead did not let my mother to think about continuing her study. And now after so called revolution in Iran, she could not even think about going to university again. Because they do not let her to continue her study; and they did not let her work in any government institutes.
The regime wanted her to be more and less like a physical worker. One time also the system told her, as you are Bahai, we cannot let you work with your mind, you should work with your muscles and be just a physical worker for us You could wash the dishes and clean the houses that is your job as a Bahai not to be teacher or professor, or state secretary in our system, the Islamic government. In the time that the woman without any education occupied the good places and scientist position, she with her high degree in physic should be a physical worker. I passed the exam for the entry level of the university and started to study Chemistry, I know that later I will have difficulties to find a work, but I hoped that something will change.
I was in the first year that I get a letter; I should go to the committee of the university. I went there and they told me as your mother is Bahai, you cannot study at the university, in an Islamic country. I was from one side happy, because now I could work and help my mother. So I had some income, but my mother told me I should keep all my income in my own account and do not spend it for the house and other costs. One day she told me, Arash we cannot have any future in this country any more. I get older and they do not give any other work to me and you cannot study and you have also no future here. Even if you could finish your degrees you could not be hired here. And with any degree you can be also a physical worker for the Islamic regime. The people in the government do not like other religions members because the government does not like them and Bahai religion is very unwilling for them and they hate it, and the people follow the government strategy.
I think we were living ten years after the death of my father, I was about twenty and my beautiful mother was about fourty years old. Now we should have another program to continue the life. We should change our country and go to another country to have a normal life. We decided to go out of the country. We started to save money and sold also the carpets that we bought after my father’s death and other expensive materials like silver and gold. We gathered some money to pay the costs of the journey.
We paid the people who worked for this action and through an illegal way we pass the boarder and came to Pakistan. We used traveling by motor cycle, camels and horses to pass the border. When my mother passed Iran border, she looked back and as she saw the Iran soil, she started to cry. She did not want to go to other country, but what could she do the life get almost impossible for her in Iran. She looked back again and this time her eyes war full of tears; she said will miss my country, my students , my family and my country; I know that so soon I cannot go back to Iran. The young beautiful mother of mine left Iran with tears in her beautiful nice eyes. Like the king of Iran who cried as he should leave Iran. We were months in Pakistan and waited for the visa.
The children of Iran were perished in the whole world, and we were one of them. We have enough money to spend for our life there in Karachi and we have a very hard not comfortable life there. After a lot of difficulties they gave us a visa for the USA.
We went to USA and from the very beginning we started to work. Both of us also registered our name in the language classes to learn better English. My mother tried to be a teacher there. And she could even pass the exam for the MS degree and got her master in Physics. She started to work in a high school as a physics teacher. And I could get my degree, too and started to work in a good company. I was twenty years younger than my mother so I get easier a job and I could learn better also. My accent and language was better than my mother. After two years, because of her accent and because some parent claim against her, because of her language problem; may be the heavy accent, they fired her. And she should again work in the low class and entry level job. Such a beautiful woman works as employee in a shop or so. The high school students in USA are not like in Iran, they do not respect the teacher and they are after to find an excuse to tease the teacher; in this case the accent of my mother was a good excuse to bother her and their parents forced the school system to fire her. If they would give her a little bit more time, she could correct her accent, but the people and students in American are selfish and cruel also. And the parent supports the children and not the teacher.
They bother also my mother as she was from Iran. In that time because of the problem with American Embassy, the people hate Iranian and they think all Iranian are terrorists and not good people. So we should suffer for the wrong action of the people who occupied the American Embassy in Tehran and took the Americans in Jail.
Even if my mother had the same accent as a white American teacher, as soon as they could find an American white teacher in the same field, they would fire her. They do not need to have any excuse if they want to fire. They just fire. It is the land of freedom, they can easily fire you. Even if in the law; it is written that they should not persecute the minorities, but in reality they can always find a way to destroy the minority’s lives. In our case we could not go back to Iran as we came illegally out of Iran and as we were persecuted there, too. Here she was persecuted because of nationalities, but they do not mention it. Over there they mentioned, because of religion, we were persecuted. In reality in both countries; we were persecuted in one obviously fired because of religion problem, and in other one just fired.
It is clear in the time that our own country does not want us and it destroys us, how can we expect the second country would respect us. In the time that your own mother or father sends you out of the house, how you can expect that the neighbor will take you and respect you. But after a while we could adjust ourselves and we had a good life, and my mother and I work very hard to survive in the land of opportunities. As we did not know the system, a lot of people cheated us also.
My mother gets with the time, because of all problems also a bad Asthma sickness. In the month two times or one time, the sickness attacked her, and she could not have Oxygen easily. I have to take her to the hospital and she stayed few days there until she gets better. My mother did not have a daughter, so she wanted me to marry, so she could have a daughter in law at least. May be she think, that because of this Asthma, she cannot live long, so she wanted to see that her son is married and has a future. She had also the head ache the micron sickness. The both sickness bothers her also.
My champion mother hides all the documents of her sickness from me so I could not know how sick she is. She afraid I get worried about her sickness and may be known that she will die soon. She did not want that her love and her son be upset because of her diseases.
The love of mother feeling guided her so to hide everything from me and I thought I have still the powerful mother, so I had no access to her medical documents and did not know exactly her diseases. But I could read the pain in her big green eyes. May a lot of reasons was there; be to be without husband or friends, be out of her own country, being not with the students who do not like her, the hard unmerciful condition, being foreign in a negative way. To be with a lot of uneducated poor, stupid personals was very hare for us. But we did not have any other choice. She was fired from school system in Iran, because she was Bahai, and fired from the school system here, because she was Iranian and had accents. The bothering of the impolite American children and the disrespect of their American parents who are proud to be American and be impolite and hard to foreigners was very hard for my mother. They laugh of the other people, as she had no husbands and the disrespect of the Iranian community as she was alone. Not having good friends here, as the Iranian are too busy to be friends, and the American have no interest to be friend with her. To be alone and isolated, may be destroyed her. All of these problems together started to damage my champion. Now she thought if I get married, than she will get a daughter in law and later ground children and they will give her hope and love again.
So she has spoken with an Iranian family to have contact with me, they have a nice girl and she was about the same age as me; and my mother tried to contact this family more, so I can marry the girl. She gave a lot of expensive gifts to the family and to the girl and invited them for lunch and dinner, she cooked very well and she was a very good hostess. Sorrowfully my mother keeps all difficult problems with her and did not share with me. So I thought everything is fine, but it was not. I worked also a lot with computers and did sleep enough many days and nights, so I got slowly also head ache and eye problems.
Little by little my eye pain gets more serious and more difficult and dangerous. And this pain and diseases bothered my mother a lot, too. My mother had every week an Asthma attack and I should take her to the hospital. I stayed hours with her there until she gets a little bit better than I came home and in two days or three; I went back to the hospital and drive her home. I tried to visit her in the time that she was in the hospital. She was laughing and she showed that she is happy. Generally each time that she had Asthma problems. She stayed two days after that she has released and I drive to the hospital to take her home. So as my eye pain got more and more she was very worried about that also. May be all these trouble effects her diseases?
We lived sixteen years together and we were more like friends to each other than mother and son. My mother took me to a famous eye doctor and he told my mother that you son is going to be blind, soon or late. It is better if we operate him faster. We should operate his eyes and we need two healthy eyes to replace his eyes, but the eyes should be so that his body not destroys them as foreign parts. His body should accept the other eyes, which we will replace to his sick eyes.
My mother did not say anything to me, but later she visited the same doctor and consults him about her own eyes; if her eyes can replace my eyes. So she chose the blindness for herself to keep me not blind, so that her son would stay not blind and sees. I should kiss the feet of such mother. The mother who gave me her beauty, her work, her money and everything she had, now she is trying to give me her eyes so I can see and she will be in total darkness. That is a huge Love. She wanted me to be academic and be very well educated, be in an advanced country, because my own country does not want me. And now she will give also her eyes to me.
As my father died I wanted my mother to marry soon and have a new life for her own ;and many times I have suggested this to her, but each time she told me; I was in love with your father, how can I see other man in his place and now I have you and I have to live and work for you, you are just a small boy, how can I marry, I do not know if he will love you or not. The risk to be married again is too big for me. And I cannot work here properly and they fire me, how can I marry. How can I trust other man? But she was not happy that the people do not respect a woman who has no husband. And they did impolite attitude and bad action with her. As if she is free to do what ever they want. So for this reason, she had always her marriage ring in her beautiful finger and she never took them off. She never told the people that she is widow. Only if the people did find out the facts by themselves. My mother was a very beautiful woman, with a tall body, slim and a nice face. Beautiful eyes, dark green. If she was married, so for her was may be more difficult to give her eyes to me. Her love was so huge that she wanted to give me everything she had.
One day she told me that she has spoken with the doctor and they have examined her eyes, so her eyes are fine to be replaced in my face and for my sick eyes, so I do not need to be blind. She said I am willing to give my king of body to my great love, to you. I said, but mother one eye will be enough.
She laughed and said which girl will marry a man with one eye only. I do not need eyes, I have Asthma and I cannot work any more and do not have clear breath and I cannot get oxygen easily. So I have to stay at home. So I can read books for blind people and rest. She had decided and who can change her mind. She told me you are my love if I cannot give you my eyes to my great love, You, I am more unlucky and upset. I love to put my eyes in your face. You are mine; you are part of my body. You are mine body and spirit. If I cannot give my eyes to you; it is more disaster, then if I can give it is happiness for me.
How can I look at my blind son? This giving is for me more than having. That is the Love I will give and it is more joy for me than to get something. After your father death, I had no reason to live; it was only you that give me excuse to stay alive. I lived and worked just for you; you are and were my capital. If I cannot give my eyes to you, the life is hell for me, but if I can give them to you. The life is paradise for me; and I hope you will try to understand this feeling. That is the love to be destroy for you love and I get my happiness by giving. You are young and you have the whole life in front of you. How can I let you to be blind?
Any way my mother gave her eyes to me and I stayed not blind and she got blind with love and her proud. Never I saw anything in her face that shows she regrets to be blind, she was happy to be blind and me not. She loved to give her beautiful eyes to me. She told her mother died when she was just fourty years old. Now she was about fourty seven and she said she lived seven years more than her mother. So my mother encourages me to marry an Iranian girl who was living in our town. I married that girl, she was going to university and her parent was with her also in USA. They were living with social security money. As they were send out of Iran also like us. We started to work both of us and did not get any help from any governmental institute, but the parent of my future wife; they were richer as us in Tehran, but here they arrange documents to get free money from the US. As we both have good income much more than their social security income. We were in much better shape than them here in US. So I married the girl. Her parents were not academic like my father and mother. A year after my marriage my son Sohrab was born, a nice big boy. And as my mother took him in her arm, she feels if he is my father’s spirit. She told us you can go to work and I will take care of Sohrab, but Faranak my new wife told me; I do not trust a blind woman takes care of my son. I will take him to the day care.
My mother who loved the boy so much gets upset as she does not let him with her. In this time as usual I should take my mother every week to hospital to be under the oxygen tent and stays there two or three days until she gets better and I drive her home. Our house was a duplex house with two nice apartments. In one we were living and in the other one my mother. My mother feels alone and liked to be with us. But Faranak did not like it. After another year, Faranak give birth to a beautiful girl, whom we called Solmaz. My mother was as happy as we have a girl that the whole day after her birth she danced and was very happy. She has forgotten all the hard life and the problems she faced to. I had a good salary and my mother got a good retirement and as she was blind, she got good salary. But she gave most of her money to us. We came out of Iran To have a better and more comfortable life. We had a huge house with two separate apartments and a nice environment. My mother was very happy with us and loved the children so much.
My mother was about fifty years old that her Asthma attacked her very badly. Now she should stay more than three day in the hospital. As she stayed longer in the hospital and she did not want to stay alone in her apartment, she said I can rent the apartment and I can got the money for its rent, because you have now two children and need more money. As now I have to pay for four people. Faranak did not work and was student. Actually we need really more money.
So I rented her apartment and she got a room in our apartment. Now she got more Asthma attacked and she should stay longer in hospital. Sometime it takes five days or more to be out of house and in hospital. I have to be with her and take her back and fort. She was not happy as she said; you can call a taxi and spend not so much time with me. Faranak need your time also. I am so sorry that I take so much time of you especially as you are now married and have two young babies. O Arash I wanted always to help you, but now you spend a lot of time for me and Faranak gets upset and may be angry also. Generally, my mother stayed half of the week in hospital and half of the week at home. Faranak started to be very unhappy; she knows that almost part of costs is paid by my mother. And we have a comfortable life, because she helps us with her salary. And now the whole rent of her house was us also. But Faranak could not see her in our house as my mother was for her a strange woman . You spend a lot of time for your mother, she touches the wall as she is blind and cannot walk without touching the walls, look all walls are dirty as she touched them. You should take her to hospital back and fort. Why you marry me, you should stay with your blind mother and take care of her.
She is not a help for me. She is a last. I should have this for all my life, always she is here. I cannot have any privacy any more. Take her to the house for elderly people. I am tired of seeing her here. I have no privacy any more. By marring you I am unlucky. And she starts also to cry, that she is unhappy.
These type of conversation lasted days and weeks until one day my mother heard that. My mother told me one day, Faranak is not happy to see me here. Rent for me a room close to you and take me there. I will stay there and you can visit me. She does not want me, so it is better that I go away, so you will have also fewer problems with her concerning me. I will have more peace and you, too. May be that is a good solution. I thought my mother likes to go and have a quite place without to be with two noisy children. I thought that is her wish to be alone and rest more. About twenty minute drive from our house I rented a nice big room for her. I took her with her furniture there. She was very friendly and showed that she is happy. What ever she had gave them to me. She took just a little bit with herself. My father died with fourty and my mother in fifty tries to live alone with the blindness and the serious Asthma.
My mother learned the writing of brills and could read the books in this writing. So she asked me to get some books from the library in that writing for her and also some cassette which is spoken books actually. She told me if I visit her every other day, it is fine. But Faranak always get upset in the time that I visited my mother you go again to her.
Let her alone and do not go to her. She was still not happy. Why you do not take her to a house that the people take care of her and you do not need to go there? You spend more time with her than with me. Sorrowfully her parents were not cleaver enough and encourage their daughter to fight with me and push my mother in the nursing home.
It has passed seven months and one day that I was in my work; my mother called me and asked me to go to her. I said OK after my work is finished I will come to you and we will have lunch together. She did not say anything and said OK. Ii will cook for you the food that you like. Come as soon as you finished your work, I am waiting for you Arash Jan. I called Faranak and told her that today I am going to mother. She said with anger go Mr. go your mother; she is important for you not me and children, go Mr. Arash to her, go to her. And cut the conversation. She seams to be very angry or upset. After few hours that I finished my work I drive to my mother’s room. I parked near the house and opened the door with the key I had. I went to her room. The mother was in the bet, but she was not alive any more. She was dead. I could not believe the mother will die so fast and so easy. In her hand was a peace of paper; I took it and read.
She wrote, Arash, my eyes and my love. This is my Arash who had the power of an Iranian hero. The Arash Kamangir. I was deeply in love with you my son. I am happy now that you are OK and have a nice family. I actually died seven months ago as I separated from you. I was not selfish; you know that I could not see that Faranak fighting with you concerning me. And I could not see that your family is going to be destroyed because of me. She wanted you alone for herself and was not willing to share a little time of you also with me. And if I insisted to stay with you, she would divorce you. Today is my last day; I know that; so I called you to come, but you did not know that, you thought I can stay for you for ever. But that was not the case. I wanted to say to you that I am dieing, come now, but I thought again you may drive fast and get a deadly accident; so I said OK, come later. But I knew I cannot be alive later. What ever I have is yours. You can burn my body, because it is cheaper. I left you totally for Faranak and I hope that she will take care of you also as she takes care of her children.
I have some money in the bank, all of them is yours and give one third of it to Faranak and keep one third for both your children. I hope she will be nice with you. I know that her parent tease you, because they are not academic and have some sort of complex concerning your academic background. Do not take that seriously and forgive them and be nice to them. If they are happy to push you down, let them do that and if they have satisfaction for their action to make you cheap, let them do. They are simple uneducated people and cannot think properly. You should forgive them. May be they feel later they did bad things to you.
I had Asthma and saw some round material also in my body. This day I know I will die and for this reason called you and wrote this letter. I cooked for you the food you liked and may be still it is warm. But I turned off the oven. I hope that you like the food I prepared with love for you. The whole day I was busy to prepare the food for you. My Arash. Take the food and eat before you do other thing, the whole day you worked and now you should be very hungry. Take care of my son Arash, my eyes, my ground children and my daughter in law. I pray for all of you and I wish happiness for all of you. Be nice to the parents of Faranak, even they are not nice to you. I love you for ever your Mother Tahereh. I wish for you better days, in the days that your children are grown up and married and you are happy to see their happiness as I enjoy you happiness.
I wished I could keep this diamond my mother with myself and did not take her to this room. I wish I would never marry and let my Tahereh be alone. She suffered for me and gave her whole life to me including her eyes, but I put her in another room far from me.
She chooses to stay in the darkness and loneliness. I let this heroin alone. She would stays in the darkness and loneliness that she had chosen because of me. I am very sorry mother, please forgive me. I know that you will forgive me. I love you. I hugged my mother for the last time, but this time she could not feel any more. She was gone. I stayed there for a while kissed her and she could not feel any more. I cried like a small child for her, but she could not see me and listen to me any more. I lost my real support and my mother. It was even much harder than the time I lost my father. This mountain of Love and Support has gone. I wrote this true story for you that the society in Iran was cruel to Tahereh and the Moslem society destroyed their life. But the Bahai societies in the USA were not much better than their Moslem counterparts. I hope one day the love and unity will govern the world and all these prejudice and hate and disrespect will disappear. The Bahaullah says O people of the world you are the fruit of one tree and the leaves of one trunk. Do not see in each other as foreign and you should know that now the tent of humanity and unity of mankind is rise. Do not have any prejudice against each other. I hope one day all these nice words will come to actions and we will have a nice life together and we will not destroy other people lives and love. I wrote this story one year before and I heard it here in USA and now I edited it. I hope one day my American friends will enjoy also the Persian culture and literature. The religion Islam or Bahai destroyed my life also, but I do not hate none of them and I wish one day, the flowers of both religions will respect each other and so we will have less victims.