In an article delving into some of the more revealing details in Bob Woodward’s new book “the Obama’s Wars”, John Vinocure of New York Times reports:
“Two days after he was elected president in November 2008, Barack Obama met with Mike McConnell, the director of national intelligence, for a briefing on America’s most highly classified operations and capabilities.
Among other things, Mr. McConnell told the president-elect that Iran’s nuclear program had been penetrated, in part, by U.S. intelligence. He said he held the conviction that Iran was going to get a nuclear weapon that it would detonate, presumably as a test, in the period between 2010 and 2015, and that this would “create an incredibly unstable situation in the Middle East.”
If true, this would confirm the suspicion that the American officials have known for some time about the true nature of nuke program in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, but for some unexplainable reason have chosen to keep it from the public.
Time is not on the side of sanity and civilized world. Once the messianic Islamists who keep saying their divine mission is to “manage the world” get their nuke, all bets will be off.
Before it is too late and the Islamist Rapists impose a devastating conflict on all, sanctions must be tightened and Iranian people need to be empowered with open and consistent material support to overthrow their nuke acquiring tyrants.