The English language propaganda arm of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, has posted the following excerpt from a speech by their show president.
“The US government and its rulers are dominating the American society and all the US citizens’ activities are under control and we were supposed to encounter this situation. Prior to our trip [to New York], they had planned to suppress and marginalize Iran,”
I don’t know about the validity of the show president’s charge that “The US government and its rulers are dominating the American society and all the US citizens’ activities are under control”
But if in the above paragraph IRR was to replace “US government”, I know for a fact that it would withstand any challenge to refute it. Mind you, this is the same show president who constantly claims” Iran is the freest country”.
Two questions:
Where do these Islamist Rapists get their big kahunas to lie so effortlessly and openly?
And, when the same certifiable liars claim their nuke work is “all peaceful” why should they be believed?