The government of bloody people and the federal republic of stupid people.
I do not know if you heard about this that in Germany one day in the school system everything is upside down. In that day the people who cleaned the rooms or the school will replace the directors of the school system or one of them will sit in the chair of the principal of the school. The children and or the students can wear at that what ever they want and bring to the school what they like. In that day the teacher do not teach any more, but they will let the children come in front of the class and say jokes. That day the students will have fun in the school and do what ever they like. The teachers just are observers and try to bring a sort of security. Similar to this is also in the American school, but they learn,( because in American school they are not so serious during the year like German schools) but they come to school with their sleeping clothes and house shoes. Something like carnival, as the cleaning woman take the place of principal, everything should be also funny. It is just for one day and it is only happened in the school and not in the whole country. But in some country it happens in the whole country and it is not for one day, but for many many years. One stupid man or woman is taking the place of president or king and he/she can do what ever she/he wants and the whole world will joke about them. The stupid man or woman will destroy everything, because she/he does not know what to do and the people who have great benefits guiding him/her. The position he/she took is not like a president position, he/she will be there for ever.
May be the system which is controlling the world will have this type of government, so they can destroy everything and made a nice market for them. So from one side the people will be stopped from progress, because he/she is stupid and does not know what to do, and from the other side the people will be trained to be against each other and kill and destroy each other. So the real master which is generally the West, Russia and now also China can sell their products to them and get reach. China make now from Persian carpets to artificial skin of virginity and the stone of grave for selling. And or the weapons or the drug industry which are making more money than oil industry can have bazaar or markets in the so called the third world. So if the crazy people or stupid people are on the top of pyramid, it is easier for them to handle. And the crazy proud and dictators cannot understand the situation and so they cannot be against them. They make good money and good business, but if the expert people are in the top of power, they cannot make the same business.
The stupid people can get a high position without having any knowledge and expertise about that position; but they are proud and they do not know they are stupid. And they think they are clever and they are matching that position. So because they are so proud, they start to destroy the country and they damage the system. The international system wants the cruel, stupid, proud and dictators be on the power, to deal with a dictator is much easier than to deal with a person who will support his/her people benefits. They destroy also the universities, mechanical school and any other colleges in which the people can be trained for the modern science and techniques. They want simple or stupid people who believe in prejudices and in the superstition. Who are against other people and who believe only they have right and they know the truth, the complete truth. So these types of people can be easier being control than clever educated people, who want to work for the society and unity of mankind. They pretend that they are against them, they bring them down, but they make in the same time negotiations with them and businesses with them and also fix different contracts with them. Their newspaper write bad things about them, and make jokes about them , but they sit with them in the same table and discuss about the world with them? So they humiliate them and make contacts with them. Is it not a paradox? Because these people they do not have any knowledge and any experience and they are also humiliated, so the other side can cheat them very easily. The pay to disunite people and make different groups and train them, that this group is the best and all other groups are wrong. They also enter into the different religions and do the same thing. They train one religion against the other and bring the believers of both religions in disasters. In the time that the believers of different religions are fighting with each other and killing each other, their academies and universities will be close and the people will go to work as physical workers in other countries. They do not create jobs or they do not work for the welfare of the people or even not for the education of people.
It is clear that the academics people of a country who travel to other country cannot be so effective. They do not know the system of the new country, they do not know the language of that country accent free and very good, they do not know the culture of that country and the system of that country so they will be sucked and they can work as a physical worker only. The systems of the world, which control the whole world has the median and so they can brain wash the people by their advertisements. So they can force the people to believe what they want. So they can bring a nice person down as a bad person. And in opposite they can bring a stupid ignorant cruel person up to be near the God by their politics and advertisement. The people who have economical problem will be able to attack each other and destroy each other lives for their own benefit. Corruption, lying and to get bribes will be a normal matter. The people know that they should be connected so they can take bribes and divide it until the top, so nobody can claim and nobody can have any chance to protest, because everybody is involved in the process. In such a government everything is connected and nobody can do anything. It is a band and networking connections and they support each other and nobody can have the power to fight with them. The person who takes the bribes divides it until the top of the pyramids. They make fun about other groups and create jokes about them.
The people of one state make jokes about other states and they sprayed it out as far as they can. In the Federal Republic of Stupidest the courts system and the ministry of just is just a name and they do not do anything for just. Only just the name is just, and there is not just there, they want money and if you cannot pay them forget the just. Also the insurance companies are just a name, in reality they are robbing companies, they collect easy money in the name of insurance, but if you need them, they have very clever people who can create thousand and one stories and excuses and do not pay. They find a sentence in the policy and they do not pay. They give you hundred pages, and they send every months the bill for collecting money, but if you are in trouble, they do not pay. They pay the attorneys to fight with you, but they do not pay you. The banks do the same thing they collect little capitals of people without giving them any interest, but if they give money to other people they charge a high interest. In some countries the inflation destroys the little capitals. In these counties the banks do not give any money to the people even not with high interest. In different countries in which there is no inflation, the bank gives easily or sometimes even by force money and because there is no inflation, they gather real interest from the people. So in both situation the little people get bankrupted and destroyed.
The weapon is pointed to the middle class people, so the system wants to take them off the focus. And they should be also poor and needy people. The stupid government is in the service of very multiply rich billionaires who are robbing the whole world, in the name of communists or capitalists or with different other name or religions. All the top of these people or at least most of them are self-centered people, and they want just to be rich very rich and powerful. They want disunity hate and corruptions between people and societies and so the people do not trust each other and they do not help each other if one is in trouble the other people are indifferent and quite until their terms. So one by one group they damage the society. The people should be indifferent or cruel. They should be willing to destroy what ever are not them, or belong to society. He hate between groups, different religions and different accents or languages should be exists. The people should not be nice and friendly to each other. They should be away from each other and hate each other, because of the bad experience they did with each other. The court and just system should be completely indifferent and useless, so the police forces. They should not work for the people, but only for the government interest. They want the people be like modern slaves or robots. The people who want to have a minimum of life should work until they die. The gape between poor and rich is very enormous. With the same qualification the salary or income is thousands of time more.
Through the work nobody can live normal or be a little bit rich. The people who take illegal money bribes or other type of money get very rich and can move from middle class to the lower high class. Who stay in front of this system will be poor, he/she cannot get a job and must live his/her country to be refugee in other countries. The system which in running the world will that stupid people be around the top of the pyramids of power so they can listen to what ever from top comes. The Iranian Macedonian, Greece man Alexander the great said. ( I heard his mother was first a wife of Daryush the king of Persian, and after she left him, she was pregnant. And Alexander was the baby of the king of Persia. ) any way he told us, if you want to govern a country give the high position to the stupid people, so you can control them always. And in this way they cannot have a route and you can change them when ever you want. And give low class work to the very clever people, so they cannot grow so fast. The stupid federal government is supported by the system of the world, so it is not easy to replace it with a good government. It is not impossible, if the people get together and forget about their fast personal benefits and think about the whole people or the whole society. So they can take off the chain of slavery from their own necks. And change the stupid government to a good democratic government. The only way to get free from this slavery government is unity, tolerance and respects other people and other believes. Also the people should learn to cooperate with each other and love each other, as Jesus told us. We need also highly educated people who can run our system, who are loyal to us and to the majority. But in the government of stupid no body is safe even the people on the top of the pyramid or even the dictator. Any other dictator can be chosen by the system of the world and bring the other dictator down and kill him and destroy his/her family. We have a lot of them in different countries. For example the king of Iraq or the Sadam the dictator of Iraq.