“Iran’s ex-prisoner blogs torture.” Section 209, Episode 1
Mr Sabeti was imprisoned 3 times in iran for being a Baha’i.
He was tortured, beaten, interrogated, and threatened with execution.
He survived, escaped, and is lucky to be alive today to share his story.
Section 209 is in evin prison, Tehran, Iran, where 7 Baha’is have been held captive for over 2 years.
Since the beginning of the Baha’i Faith in ,innocent men women and children in Iran have been killed and many more persecuted to this day for just their peaceful beliefs. The Islamic Republic and its Shia establishment sees the influence of the Bahai teachings as a threat to their credibility and diminishing moral and spiritual authority.
Section 209 is a social media campaign, advocating HUMAN Rights in Iran.
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