The pain and problems of the third world people

The pain and problems of the third world people


The problem of having not a job , to have not a prosperity education, a proper knowledge, false proud and dictatorship manners, robbing and getting bribes, corruption, cruelty,  and to be indifferent for the society and going after only the personal interest which is for many people more important than the society benefits are some of the problems we have. They say bagging is humbling and accepting what ever we have and we get, be useless is for them be patient and both of them are related to the God will in their mind. That is what Gandhi told to his people. You should not be lazy and work hard and be advance. He was crying for his people, may be the influence of colonization brought this type of thinking among the Indian. The colonial power try this, the people should be indifferent, useless, negative, lazy and selfish. So they do not think about society and as long as they have a good life, they will be quite. Now in some countries, to robe and get bribes is sort of smartness, to say lie and cheat the people is fine and logical way of progress, to be unmoral and use other people love and respect for joy and sex is just play and fine. To be stupid and rude and without knowledge bring false proud and they think, they can force the people to obey them. They bother other people, because they have other religions or other thinking, and that will be accepted as a good work for God work?  Even to kill other people in the name of God is permitted? To robe and smuggle materials is work for them and to be dishonest and be like servant to the rich powerful people and kiss their hands and ass is good for them and so they create dictators.  The people in the third world, some of them are very careful and they are just fighting for their own benefit that means personal benefit is important for them and not the benefit of society.


Do you think the leader of so called third world know about these problems? Do you think they know that their people or the people of the third world need also work, education, and welfare?  Do you think they know that their people need universities, enough to train people to serve the majority? Do you think they know that the people need engineering schools, hospitals, train workers, technicians so they can build their society without help of other countries? Or that their young people need house, partners, and be useful and productive.  The people need future and the young need life and independence. The people want to have freedom of speech and freedom in general and they want to be very well educated and not be useless and corrupted. They want to vote and their votes be counted. They do not like dictators and they want to be independent.  But the problem is that the powerful countries do not want to have another concurrence, they saw that Japan came out of a very back ward country to a very modern powerful and industrial country. Japan was in the past less advanced as Turkey. But if the people in the third world are smart and awakened, they cannot do anything. The outsiders or the powerful countries in this time can only be successful if the majority of the people in one country are uneducated and corrupted.  They can plan for them and keep this county under their unseen hand control. As long as stupid and uneducated people are on the top of a government, they can make the rest of the people as slaves.  With other words if the people are not willing to work for them as a agent or if they cannot cheat the people, they cannot control a nation. A nation will be controlled by their agents from the same nation.  They bring disunity, hate and ignorance among the people and their agents can control them not be wise and educated. The religions are a good device to keep them quite and uneducated so they can cheat them easier.  The leader of a religion is paid millions of dollars by them and they help their plan to be successful in that society. Hate, disrespect and killing or corruption is the other devices to be used by them.

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