I think if there ever was a heavenly substance, it would have to be made of chocolate. It is no wonder chocolate is loved the world over. Young and old, woman or men, white, black or all the shades in between love chocolate.
I also think in everybody’s life, at one time or another, almost everyone has either pilfered a piece of chocolate or thought about doing so.
All those who have given in to the temptation and helped themselves to a piece without paying for it, they should count their blessing. If they had done it in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, and were caught, chances are they would be missing a limb.
They chop off hand of petty thieves in a country where all the ruling Islamist Rapists, their relatives, friends and gofers, both inside and outside the country, are thieves by dictates of dogma and personal nature.
AFP reports:
“An Iranian court has condemned a 21-year-old man convicted of robbing chocolates and cocoa from a Tehran pastry shop to have a hand chopped off, Fars news agency reported on Saturday.”