Last friday, there was a weever discussion on Balatarin about the latest caricature of Nikahang Kossar blaming Moussavi’s inaction.…
People defending Kossar’s freedom of thought argued that Kossar is right to publish whatever he feels right about the opponents of the regime, as without any criticism Iranians will repeat the mistakes they comitted with Khomeini.
But lately Rajanews, one of the antenna of the regime spreading lies and defamations since the coup of the last year, is publishing Kossar’s work and shows these mockeries againt Moussavi as a division in the opposition.
So the question is; in these times that Mullahs are trying to divide and crack the Iranian movement for a better future, can we consider as freedom of speech all the things that we do and are used as a lever by the regime to discredit the movement? with such kind of attitude aren’t we helping the regime to silence us? What are our duties?