Speaking of the dangers satellite televisions pose to the society, Bahman Kargar, the Deputy Police Commander for Social Affairs in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, is reported as saying:
“Drugs endanger the physical and mental health of the individual. And satellite [TV] cause triviality, carelessness and disintegration of the family nucleus. Therefore, they both pose the same level of danger.” He went further by announcing another round of police operation to counter the evil satellite.
Forget about the basic Islamist logical fallacy in the Deputy Police whatever, the point is them Islamist Rapists are afraid of information reaching Iranian people. Ergo the satellite ban and signal jamming, slowing down the internet speed to a crawl, internet monitoring, site blockings and “Cyber Army” aka Islamist goons in Iran and abroad trying to counter the avalanche of opposition to IRR. Of course by now there is no need to explain about the lack of freedom in print media in Iran.
The bottom line is, the Islamist Rapists’ dogma cannot stand the purifying rays of true information. Information which they do not control, information which shows people how the sane world lives and information which could and will be the death of IRR.
And all the while IRR’s many satellite TV channels in variety of languages are using the sane world’s technology and facilities broadcasting to the world, at times inciting riots and terrorist activities, the sane and civilized world is doing zilch.
Isn’t it time to put American ingenuity and can-do spirit to work and come up with variety of unblockable ways to reach enslaved Iranians who are hungry for Islamist free, sane-world truth?
What in the name of sanity the decision makers in EU and U.S. think would happen if Islamist Rapists are not toppled and they get their nuke?