For the past thirty plus years the unbelievable suffering of enslaved Iranians has been bankrolled by petrodollars. Simple economic dictates the fewer dollars IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, gets, the fewer Islamist henchmen it can hire to rape, disfigure, torture and murder Iranian men, woman and children.
The ever tightening of economic noose around IRR over its long list of illegal activities, at the top of it all, weaponized nuke and more importantly, wholesale human rights violations, is a fact of life.
The good news is hardly a day goes by without a major international concern announcing it is pulling out and will no longer deal with the Islamist Rapists ruling over Iran.
As good as the tightening of economic sanctions is, by itself, it will not be enough to deliver the desired outcome in a timely manner. As is, sanctions alone only prolong the suffering of the Iranian people. It also allows the time for Islamist Rapists who openly say they are after “management of the world” to get their nuke.
It is time for the sane world to openly announce to the freedom wanting Iranians that they are not alone.
That if they choose to rise up again, this time they will be helped morally as well as materially.
That the free world lead by Democracy Central, DC, will not cut a deal with their tormentors behind their back.
That it has finally been understood just as there is no “reforming” malignancy, there is no such thing as “reforming” Islamist.
It is time to turn the page and give Iran, Iranians, the entire Middle East a chance to strive for peace. Islamists and peace don’t get along; it is time to do something about it.