Nasrin in captivity 3

When it comes to human rights, that inalienable right of human beings, everyone, at least as a lip service, supports it. But that is not the case in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic.

Take for example the case of Ms. Nasrin Sotoudeh. She is one of the many Iranian lawyers who for the crime of defending their clients are themselves enjoying the Islamist Rapists’ hospitality in one of their notorious prisons.

According to her husband, Mr. Khandan, the latest news about Nasrin is her attorney finally got to find out what she is charged with.

Nasrin is facing three charges, two of which are the standard catch all Islamist Rapist charges of: “propagandizing against the establishment” and “participation in illegal gathering and collusion with the intent to disrupt national security.”

The third count in her indictment is the crime of “cooperating with the Society for Human Rights.”

That is right, human rights, its advocacy and cooperation with its advocates are punishable crimes in the Islamist Rapist Republic. And there are advocates of IRR who claim there is some sort of rationality exists with these nuke acquiring messianic Islamist Rapists bent on “managing the world.

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