The slavery system in a modern form and with different methods. Why the world is so quite about the Iranian in Greece?

The slavery system in a modern form and with different methods. Why the world is so quite about the Iranian in Greece?   May be some human being if they got a position and they got some possibilities, they will try to misuse the other people like slaves and they like to be masters.  And may be some other people in the same condition will stay human and do not change to be demon and misuse the human being as slaves.  In the twenty first century there is a new way of slavery, they big power destroy the little countries system and point the crazy mad people as their leaders or presidents, or kings. But these heads of the states do what ever they want. So they destroy the economy and system so badly, that the people should robe each other, take bribes and are completely corrupted to survive. 

 The people who have the sickness of dictatorship and can be easily be a dictator will be easily selected by these super powers.  Even if they select a normal man, with their method, they change him/her to a dictator or dictatress.  Because they have expert and scientists and they know the human being thinking and they studied the different cultures and languages and they are high educated and are top expert. They are in the service of highly directors who are running the world.   They select those people and train them directly or indirectly. Sometimes the leader is so stupid that cannot be trained directly, so they train him/her indirectly and their people give him line to move and influence him/her to do or to speak the matters they want. As the leaders are very uneducated, they let him be guided by their agents who are from the same countries and are trained by them. With other words, they gather the stupid directors by sending their people around him, and he will trust some of their agents and they guide him and write for him speck and let him acts.   And as the human being is very selfish and forget his/her attitude and his/her situation they train him/her indirectly or even directly to be cruel and kill and destroy the country.

So the intellectual people will run away, and their huge system will hire them in other countries to work for them. They are willing to do any bad and cruel action, to kill and destroy the whole nation and the sickness of dictatorship will guide them and their experts helping the dictators to be in their lines and do their favor.  With other words they bring a mad man on the top of a government or on the top of a roof and support him/her to do their plans. They think they are sort of God and the sickness had started in them, they forget that they were poor people and now they should help the poor ones and not to kill and destroy them. Not they want the people should worship them and listen to them and act what ever they say. And they want to force the people to believe their thinking and their way. They think the people are stupid like them and should be guided by them.  So sort of slavery will be established but in a modern form.  You know that huge companies which have billions of dollars income per month can easily run the world in the way they like. They misuse religions and other differences to control the people. They try the people should not have a good education and be ignorant as far as possible and in the shade of ignorance and proud ness they can control easily the people and the majorities.  And run the world in their own favor.

In one side the poverty and ignorance is huge and from the other side multiply billionaires have the most income of the whole world. From one side the people are in ignorance and without good education and in the other side good and highly universities train the smart people.  So they can easily use the people to work for them. They are poor and do want ever they command them. They plan so good that the middle class people should be disappear and get less and less. The middle class people are difficult for them. They want to eliminate them. With inflation and deflation they destroy them easily in the world.  They have the media and they use it in the way they want.  Like the Moslems who have not knowledge about Islam at all and may be they do not even believe in God or Mohammad, but for their own benefit, they show up as a good Moslem and as true believers. The example I can mention from the past, because everybody is agree. The people like Yazid, Moaviyeh, Abu Sofyan or Shamer who cuts the head of the grand son of Mohammad and Yazid who command to kill the family of the prophet in him, Yazid pretend to believe. They wanted to have a much better life and drink wine and have nice beautiful girls in their courts and have enough money to do what ever they wanted and have a super luxury life.

I heard that all their materials were made of gold or silver.  May be they never read Quran and they never believed in humanity that Mohammad wanted. Even now a lot of Moslem do not know about their religion and just pretend to be Moslem.  They want to use religion for their own benefits not for humanity and love.  Some other people, they are honest , but they do not know the philosophy of Islam and they did not study the Islam, they are just Mosalman by name. So we have three type of Moslem, real nice ones, simple and ignorant one and the people who pretend and do not believe at all, but they want to make a business with the religion.  Their targets are the simple ignorant Moslems.  They gather these simple Moslem around themselves and they get plan form the master to use them.  So they are the victims of the religions by their ignorance. And the so called smart people play with them. They are the toy or robots of the people who are trained to misuse them. The system is like a pyramids and the top giving order to the next and so the next or the third and fourth stage will be direct in the contact with the local people and these local people continue to destroy their own people.  There are two important points that the people should know. The first is knowledge and understanding and study and thinking and be free from any prejudice. Or in general be open, educated and be human. They should not be proud and selfish but they should also listen to other people and cooperate with them and be tolerance and open minded. They should know that they cannot know everything and as the wise Bozorgmehr told us, the knowledge is huge like an ocean and just all people can know everything.

Our brain is limited and we cannot know everything.  In listening and cooperation with other people we can waste our knowledge and complete it relatively.  Some people by reading few books think that they are scientist or very knowledgeable.  Or if they got a degree, they think they are philosopher.  That is wrong, the wise man said if I know more, I will see that still I need to learn and if I continue, I realize that I am still ignorant.   The people who study few religion books and they think they are scientists; they are wrong, the science is huge and spread out in the whole world. The science is unlimited and nobody can say, I know everything and I am a scientist.  In Persian the poet said, you should study from the childhood until you die.  The greedy people will hire these scientists and they can influence the people in their lines. They start to destroy the country with the hands of the local people. They destroy the just system and police system and they made them corrupted or indifferent.  They put mad men on the top of the government and these people damage everything and bring the people and country very down. They try to cheat the people and in the way of their friends destroy their lives.  They need the trust to come on the top and in the time they are in the top, they do not care any more about the majority and use the money and power they got to destroy the majority.  They try to guide the people to be like slaves and ignorant and guide them in the liens and way they have to. The people of the top of pyramids will kill humanity and misuse the religions, nationalities and races to separate the people from each other train them against each other and kill and destroy each other. The local people who are also greedy help them to destroy their own brothers and sisters.  The people should be like robots and be indifferent or cruel, the love should die and the people should not have any humanity feelings. The example is now that the Iranians close their mouths and the world is quite and they do not act quickly.  That happen now in the Athena in Greece.   If you read carefully the newspaper you see that USA trained the Alghaede and Taliban to fight with communists or Russians.  In that time Soviet Unions.  They trained them very well and gave them their best weapons. So they could resist against Soviet Unions power. And the victims were our people the innocent people of our country Afghanistan. 

 Now the communists are destroyed and the USA does not need them any more. So they did not know anything else as to be good killers and good fighters, so they kill and fight with their own brothers and sisters. So the two presidents Hammed Karzai and Parviz Mosharaf cry for this problem, caused by the USA. The fight with the two super powers at that time, take our brothers and sisters as victims.  They put the spirit of killing and fighting in our people and so it is difficult to train them to be useful and loving person again. This war machine created by USA, now destroy our people and their brothers and sisters. They want power and money and they want to get it by force from us. These robots cannot think properly and will not cooperate with the majority of the people. They are corrupted and destroyed spiritually.  The middle class and poor people should suffer for their greed. They live in palaces and the majority of people are living in poverty.  The gap between rich and poor got bigger and bigger and the middle class are disappearing slowly.  That is the modern slavery. Like in the past in Roman Empire, they had Gladiators, who fight with each other until one of them should be killed. That fight was for fun for the rich people in the Roman Empire.  Now is the same only in a greater numbers and not only between tow gladiators.  They train also poor people to fight with each other or to fight with middle class people and destroy them. The example is the fights between Shia and Sunni or between Jew and Moslem or Bahais and Moslems. Alone in Iran over thirty thousand Babi are killed in the time of Nasreddin Shah and may be the same numbers of Moslems or government soldiers also is killed by the Babis. Even now in twenty one century in Iran Bahais are killed by the Moslems government people.  Over two hundred Bahais are killed by the Islamic government of Iran. Why a person should be killed because he is born in a family with other religion?  So as you see they die love and brotherhood and bring hate and disunity between people. Go and get power if you want to live as the system will kill you if you are weak.  The cruel people got money and with this money they hire robots and crazy mad men to kill the people who do not listen to them and or think differently. 

 And with this money they have they buy more weapons and hire more mad men to support them. They kill also in people love and unity, and so the people will be corrupted and some of them are willing to do what ever they tell them. They want total obedience and total worshipers.  The corruption in the government system bring the people so far that they got like sort of animal and they can be also very cruel and they misuse also the people who love them and trust them. And they live in palaces build with gold and ivory and they drive cars build from pure silver and gold.  The people are busy to fight with each other and let them to live in their palaces and with the best possible way. Have fun, sex with whom ever they want, enough money to spent and a very luxury life in the name of Islam or Christianity or Jew… it does not matter. The Moslem Sheikh and the rich Christian clergies who even have sexual activity with the children and rich Jews live like kings in the past. They misuse the name of God, Islam, Christianity, Jesus and Moses and… The two way advertisement is now in action.  The west advertises that the Moslems are   not good and the Moslem government does the same thing.  And this hate brings billions of dollars for the business people. USA spent yearly about hundred billion dollars for fighting with terrorists which is routed by them, or trained by them.  If we use or they use this money wisely, they can destroy the route of terrorist in the whole world. And nobody will be attracted to the terrorists any more. The young people need work and study and a normal life or work. If with this money they create work, Open University and spend the money for the welfare of the young people or other people, who will go to work for the terrorist for money? That is unjust, having no work and having no educations which guide the people to kill and hate. And they will be attracted to terrorists.  If they can have a normal quite life, with wife and children, they will never go to terrorists. May be they will not in reality fight with terrorists, because if there is not fighting and terrorists, who will buy the weapons? A bomb is one million dollars, and if there is peace and understanding who will buy that?

The huge insurance companies make billions of dollars every year, a free money, because the people afraid from losing. If there is no war, the people do not afraid so much and will not give so much money to the insurance companies.  There hate and lie that every day is adversities by the medias control by business people. A worker in USA or Germany; why should he hate a worker in Turkey or in Arabian country? Why? And who will bring hate between them?  And who had benefits from that hate? So the whole problem is the fight for the blanket of Mullah Nasreddin. It was a quarrel and Mullah took his blanket and went out to see what is happening, it was cold and he was curious.   A thief robbed his blanket. He came home without blanket, his wife asked him where the blanket is, and he said the whole quarrel was for stealing my blanket. As they stole it the quarrel was also finished. 

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