The wrong fear of USA of communist and terrorists, the clergy man shouted communists means there is no God at all.

The wrong fear of USA of communist and terrorists, the clergy man shouted communists means there is no God at all.


In the time I was student, I have a friend his name was Mozafar, he was from the Turkmen Sahara and he said he was a elementary school teacher in his village, but his father encourage him to continue his study and at least be a high school teacher. He said in their village there was a clergy man that he started his preach always with this sentences, O people, the communist mean there is no God at all and continue the rest after this words.  The communists want everything to be theirs and they will take all what ever you have, even your wife and your children are not yours belong to the government or to them and everything should be for every body even your family should be shared, your wife, your daughters and….everything belong to all people.  There is no landlords and not any people who can claim that women is my wife. This negative advertisement may be had come from the USA as the American thought at that time that communists or socialists are like demons and will take everything from them and put them in a slave position.  With negative advertisement they build in the mind of people from communist a huge evil person who eats and destroy everything and take the wives and females of people and let everybody use them?


So you can imagine how the regular and not really educated people will react after listening to this clergy person. If they imagine that their wife will be taken from them and will be put in other people bed, they get almost mad.  Especially if a clergy man or a God man told this. You will believe more. And you will hate the communists and you will kill them if you see them. This unrealistic fear in the USA was so spread that who ever like the communists did not get a job in the past. (I heard this from Americans)  Anything related to communists was bad and evil or the communists were like demons.  This unfair advertisement, created hate between people and the people were against a philosophy that they did not even know it. And they thought the communist is like a Satanists school. And they were willing to destroy it. But now the American who were so against communists, now they open their doors to China and China sells trillions dollars to them. Everything in every shop in USA are made in China. From the food until the electric devices or toys are made in China.


. And in the Middle Eastern countries, even they sell the pray material and artificial virgin for the girls who lost it by intercourses.    A lot of students, teacher, instructors, and professors are invited to the USA and the people like them so much and they say they work very good and they are very intelligent.   They think the Asian are more intelligent and good workers as some Americans.  I had a student who does not speak English and I taught in English and he got A always. The Asia can concentrate very well and learn deeply. What has happened that in a period of time the demon and evil person changed to their best friend and partner?  This fear also came to Iran and other Middle Eastern countries and if you had a book about communists in your house, you had trouble. 


Now the fear of communists had gone and the communists are traveling and coming and going or staying in the capitalist’s countries especially in the USA.  Now you can see how the advertisement can make from a normal situation a huge matter and from a bad person an Engel.  That is the regular people who are brain washed by the propagandas. The people who control the media or international media can do what ever they want and with lie and advertisement can sell what ever they want and can force the people to vote to the persons they like.  You can see they did from a stupid man a huge president and from a mad man a huge personality.  The people who control the media are clever people and they hired very smart and intelligent persons and they study about the culture, language and other problem in a country and according to their real knowledge they make a plan for their own benefits. They misuse their knowledge about those people and destroy them. Like the medicine which knows about the batteries and in the lab they create anti biotic and destroy the bacteria or microbes.   They do the same method , they study people very deeply and than start to destroy them. Always there are some greedy people who for money will destroy the whole city.


All these actions and all these speeches is just for their own benefits.  They do not work for the people and not for the welfare of people of that country or for success of the majorities of their own country.  They want power, money and obedience and they will get those. They pretend something and as long you believe it, they have their program to robe people. They pretend that they are against something, they are not and that is only their policy to attract the people to their business. They know the Believe of the people and they inject what ever they want by using their media and guide the people in the way they want. They misuse also the ignorance and superstitions of the people for their own benefits. They create good listeners and good believer by using their methods and in that time their agent or an stupid person will be chosen as their king.


With the abnormal fear that American have before, now they prefer to marry a China person? And the American are traveling to China to adapt a Chinese girls or boys from the orphan houses.  There are hundred companies which has activities in this field.  And they bring for the people who cannot get a child, Chinese babies from the orphan houses. In China you can have only one child and the people prefer to have one son, if they got a daughter bring her to the orphan houses or they kill her. And the American universities are full of Asian students.


Now the same fear or false fear is created for Islam, or fundamentalist Moslems.  Any body can destroy the other person if he/she call him/her a fundamentalist Moslem. He/she may be not be killed, but she/he cannot get easily jobs and he/she is not well come by other people.  Now it is the new business for the American companies. If somebody cheated you and the matter comes to the court, the other side tries to influence the court to believe that the other side is a fundamentalist. But the communist countries did not a better job, too. The example was the Iranian communists who flee to the Soviet Union and they killed them. If they remained in Iran, they could go to the jail, but in the house of the older brothers, they have been killed.  The other example are our youths or young people who are known or punished in our countries as the people against the revolution and they flee in the so called free countries and over there as a fundamentalist are robbed, but in a nice form and are punished again. One time they are punished as a West believers and one time as a fundamentalist. Or one time they persecute a as a Bahai and next time in West Country as a fundamentalist Moslem will be again punished. 


But this system and this cheating were always in the life and is written in the history. Yazid drank alcohol and had a lot of women in his court and robed the people and killed the children or grand children of Mohammad, but he called himself a Mosalman? 


Now it is clear that some so called smart people are misusing the Believe of people for their own benefits. They use all these differences and ignorance of the people to make more and more money and doing their robbing activities. All the different school of thinking and all the religions and other difference or even different languages and culture is misused by so called intelligent people for making extra money. And we the middle class people are their victims.  And the head of each religion or school like to have a lot of matures and a lot of killed people so they can use them as a positive way to prove their Believe is better, because the people are willing to be killed for that. And again the simple and innocent or stupid people are the victims of their activities. They will be killed and destroyed or handy caped, and the top get rich and can send their children to the best school in the world and keep billions of dollars which has been robbed from their own people in the bank of the great Satan. Like the story of Azhidahak who had two snakes in his shoulder and the food of these snakes were the fresh brains of young people. But after a time, the people knew the fact and kill the bad leaders. 

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